2019.1 Release 23-25 + 2020.1 Sprint 1-4
New Features 🤩
- QuickBooks Online Integration
- PayPal Commerce Checkout (PayPal Smart Buttons) - You can now accept Venmo, PayPal Credit, and more
- Google Single Sign On
- Import and Export Tax Rules & Tax Regions
- Print Packing Lists for Each Warehouse
- Reward tiers for customer reward points
- Attribute values now count as a criteria for discounts
- Added order quantity grid column to product list
- New rules allowing for custom shipping method based on payment method chosen at checkout (for example purchase order payment = custom shipping method)
- Customer can now be given option to cancel open orders in their customer account area
- Flag orders with separate shipping / billing address
- EdgePay Gateway Integration
- Orders can now be assigned a "sales person" by those with permissions
- New email order layout for RMA order items
- Custom shipping methods for admins only feature
- New email notifications for Scheduled Export/Import Failures (beta testing)
- We now reset invalid login attempts when setting new password
- Added support for each individual item specification in cart to custom shipping methods
Front End & Theme Upgrades 🎨
- NEW parallax widget
- NEW photo gallery widget
- NEW contact information widget
- Added Category ID filter to recently added items product display widget
- Added product display widget option for attribute ids
- Improved visibility of hex code color picker
- Enhanced styling of setting tiles
- Settings overlay blank issue corrected
- Form builder widget improvements
- Improved live design save function
- Keep in place when saving from HTML editor
- Editing JS file now purges cache
Bug Fixes 🔨
- We fixed a lot of 🐛 during this period (84 to be exact!)
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