- General Use Website Merges
- Conditional General Merges
- Store Merges
- Category Page Merges
- Social Networking Merges
- Affiliate Based Merges
- Subscription Based Merges
- Cart Based Merge codes with Cart Context
- Order Based Merges
- Order Email Only Merges
- Invoice Page Control Based Merges
- Search Page Merges
- Widget Specific Merges
- Customer Based Merges - Email Templates
- Customer Based Merges - My account page
- Drop Shipper/Warehouse Specific Merges
- Site Specific Merges
- Product Details Control Based Merges
- Product Based Merges
- Conditional Product Merges
- Shopping Cart Page Control Merges
- Catalog Control Merges
- Manufacturer Based Merges
- Manufacturer Merges
- Category Control Merges
- Category Merges
- Store Testimonials Control Merges
- Store Testimonials Email Merges
- Attribute Merges
- Content Page Merges
- Cart Email Merges
- Theme Merges
- Head Tags
- Header
- Left Column
- Right Column
- Footer
- Home Page
- Left & Right Column Template
- Left Column Only Template
- Product Details
- Widget Mergecodes
- Site Template Override Merges
- Generic Variables
- Scheduled Exports
- Microstore Merges
- Shopping Cart Merges
- Save For Later Merges
- Blog Roll Page/Widget Control Merges
- Blog Post Page Control Merges
- Blog Entity Merges
- Blog Post Entity Merges
- Profile Entity Merges
- Customer Registration Page Control Merges
- Contact Form Merges
- Product Picture (Popup)
- Reward Tier Email Merges
- Hidden HTML Comments
Types of Merge Codes
- There are normal merges that just replace the data like ##PRODUCTNAME##. If it is a page with a product on it, that merge will get replaced by the product's name. Remember: ## = Replace
- There are conditional merges that allow you to optionally place content on the page, like ##IF[StoreID=1]## True Content ##ELSE## False Content ##ENDIF##
- There are merges that do something special like ##SEARCHBOX##. This will evaluate to a search box with a submit button next to it.
- There are merges that have settings like ##EXTERNALCONTENT[http://www.google.com]##. The settings can give it more information and allow it to be customized.
- There are control merges that evaluate to an actual control on the page. This is another way to reference snapins and put them where you want to see them. These look like $$PRODUCTNAME$$. Remember: $$ = Control
- Shared Content Merges, defined in the Site Explorer, can be used just like a pre-defined merge code. Typically they are used to share text across on multiple storefronts while keeping a single instance for easy updating.
Custom Date Merge
Applicable date based merges allow for a custom date format to control which parts of the date you would like to display. Examples:
- ##MERGE[yyyy]## would render as "2020"
- ##MERGE[MM/dd/yyyy]## would render as "08/30/2020" (i.e.
- ##MERGE[MM/dd/yyyy hh:mm tt]## would render as "08/30/2020 09:45 AM"
- ##MERGE[dddd MMMM dd yyyy]## would render as "Sunday August 30 2020"
- All in depth customization options are listed in a table on this page: In depth Customization
Date Merges can also include a time zone as a second option, Examples assuming that the above date uses server timezone:
- ##MERGE[MM/dd/yyyy hh:mm tt, America/Argentina/Buenos_Aires]## would render as "08/30/2020 11:45 AM"
- ##MERGE[MM/dd/yyyy hh:mm tt, Australia/Sydney]## would render as "08/31/2020 12:45 AM"
Timezone are based on IANA (also known as TZDB) conventions.
General Use Website Merges
- ##SESSIONID## - Displays the session ID from the visiting session. This merge code is available throughout every page in the system, not for emails.
- ##SESSIONADCODE## - Displays the adcode from the visiting session. This merge code is available throughout every page in the system, not for emails.
- ##SESSIONAFFILIATECODE## - Displays the affilate code from the visiting session. This merge code is available throughout every page in the system, not for emails.
- ##SESSIONCUSTOMERTYPE## - Displays the customer type set on the visiting session. This merge code is available throughout every page in the system, not for emails.
- ##SESSIONCUSTOMERTYPEID## - Displays the customer type ID set on the visiting session. This merge code is available throughout every page in the system, not for emails.
- ##SESSIONSOURCE## - Displays the visitor source (Google, Bing, Yahoo, PPC, etc.) where a customer came to the site from. This merge code is available throughout every page in the system, not for emails.
- ##SESSIONSOURCEGROUP## - Displays the visitor source group (unknown spider, search engine in the case of referring domain, etc.) This merge code is available throughout every page in the system, not for emails.
- ##CATEGORYDROPDOWN[catID=447~451,width=100px,defaulttext=Select...]## - A dropdown list of the categories and it's subcategories, when you select one it navigates to that page.
- catID: the id of the category to show, it will show all subcategories of that category in it
- defaulttext: the text to show in the dropdown when nothing is selected
- width: the width of the combo box on the page
- ##MANUFACTURERDROPDOWN[width=100px,defaulttext=Select...]## - A dropdown list of store manufacturers, when you select one it navigates to that page.
- defaulttext: the text to show in the dropdown when nothing is selected
- width: the width of the combo box on the page
- $$LOGINURL$$ - Used in place of "/store/login.aspx" on the One Page Checkout, This will add paypal parameters if selected on the shopping cart page.
<strong>Are you an existing Customer?</strong>
<a href="$$LOGINURL$$" class="btn btn-default">Log In</a>
- ##LOGINLOGOUTLINK## - A login/logout merge that will flip flop between login and logout based on the customer's login status.
- ##LOGINLOGOUTLINK[loginpage=login2.aspx,redirect=default.aspx,registerurl=register.aspx]##, optional parameters
- loginpage - tells which login page to use (login.aspx or login2.aspx or other)
- redirect - tells it where you want it to go once the user is logged in
- registerurl - tells it where to go if they need to register for an account
- ##LOGINMESSAGE[message=You are now logged in!]## - Only shows up when the user is logged in, gives them a welcome message, helps show they are logged in
- ##LOGINMESSAGE[message=Welcome ##CUSTOMERFIRSTNAME##!]## - Notice this is a merge within a merge. To get a comma, use the character entity code for it: #44 (without the space after the ",").
- ##CUSTOMERLOGIN[Width=123,Class=XYZ,ButtonImage=/images/btnLogin.gif]## - Allows you to position the login form anywhere in your site.
- ##EMAILPAGELINK## - Allows you to send the current URL to a friend or coworker, it just sends a URL of the page by email using the standard email client at this time.
- ##EXTERNALCONTENT[http://www.externalurl.com/filename.htm]## - Will pull the content from an external source and put it right there on the page!
- ##EXTERNALCONTENT[/page.html]## - References the external file relatively with a leading "/"
- Caching is now an option. Caching is not appropriate for a highly dynamic link, however if it's a static file or can be cached for a while, then let our servers serve it instead of a slow hop across the internet to your file while we are rendering every page load.
- Example: ##EXTERNALCONTENT[http://www.externalurl.com/filename.htm, short]##
- long = up to 24 hours
- medium = up to 2 hours
- short = up to 30 minutes
- ##CUSTOMFORM[/store/pg/3-test.aspx,100]## - This will pull an html form into an iFrame and pull in the url
- URL can be external (http://www.google.com/registration.html ) or internal (/store/pg/3-test.aspx). It just reads the content of the form into an iframe.
- The 2nd value will override the height of the iframe.
- ##QUICKADDTOCART## - This puts a text box where when an item number is entered into it, it will add that item number and a quantity of 1 to the cart. Does not work if the product has variants or personalization.
- ##SEARCHBOX## - Evaluates to a search box control with a submit button next to it
- ##SEARCHBOX[catID=15|16|17]## - Optionally show a category dropdown containing the categories listed to limit the search to those categories. List must be a pipe (|) delimited list of category IDs. Category IDs can be found on the category list page.
- ##SEARCHBOX[autocomplete=true]## - Turns on auto completion and will search the catalog for whatever is typed and show a dropdown of options.
- ##SEARCHBOX[class=AutocompleteSearchBox]## - A standard search box but the CSS is the same as an Autocomplete search box.
- $$NORESULTS$$ - Displays a message when no search results are displayed. "Sorry, your search query did not return any results".
- ##AMAZONLOGIN## - Used to place Login With Amazon buttons. By default, this redirects back to the page where the button was clicked. Alternatively, you can use ##AMAZONLOGIN[/some/other/redirect]## to redirect the customer to a specific URL.
- ##AMAZONPAYBUTTON## - Can Specify the type, color, and size of the button in the merge code as well as the ##AMAZONLOGIN## merge using the values specified here.
Available button types:- A
- PwA (Pay button only)
- Pay (Pay button only)
- LwA (Login button only)
- Login (Login button only)
- small
- medium
- large
- x-large
- gold
- lightgray
- darkgray
Click here for example pictures of what these buttons can look likeFor example: ##AMAZONPAYBUTTON[type=Pay,size=large,color=gold]## - ##HTMLENCODE[ ##MERGECODE## <tag> ##ANOTHERMERGECODE## ]## - html encodes anything placed inside the brackets including other merge codes.
- $$PRODUCTCOUNT$$ - total product search results (over all pages)
- $$MFGCOUNT$$ - total manufacturer matches
- $$CATEGORYCOUNT$$ - total category matches
- $$CONTENTCOUNT$$ - total content page matches
- $$BLOGCOUNT$$ - total blog posts + blog matches.
- ##SHOPCARTLINE## - Shows a 1 line shopping cart that is just a count of products in the cart and the price, its a link that goes to the cart
- Example: 4 item(s) - $454
- ##CARTITEMSCOUNT## - Shows just the number of items in the cart.
- ##CARTSUBTOTAL## - Shows the subtotal for the cart
- ##CARTSHIPPING## - shows the shipping amount for the cart if a shipping method has been selected.
- ##TRIM[200]## Content ##ENDTRIM## - Trims content to a specified number of characters.
- ##PRICEOF[ID=10]## - Displays the price of the product with the indicated ID.
- ##QUANTITYPRICEGRIDOF## or ##QUANTITYPRICEGRIDOF[1234]## - Displays the advance pricing of the current product or of the product belonging to the passed in ID.
- ##PAYPALEXPRESSCHECKOUT[size=small]## - Displays the PayPal Express Checkout button. Size of this button can be either small or large.
- ##GOOGLECHECKOUT[size=small,bg=white,variant=text]## - Displays the Google Checkout button. Size can be "small," "medium," or "large," background color can be "white" or "transparent," variant can be either "text" or "no-text."
- ##GOOGLECUSTOMERREVIEWSBADGE## - Displays the Google Customer Reviews rating badge if you have Google Customer Reviews enabled.
- $$AMAZONCHECKOUTBUTTON$$ - displays the checkout by amazon button on the shopping cart page.
- ##PAGETITLE## - Title of web page as seen in titlebar
- ##IPADDRESS## - Displays the current browser's IP
- ##MAPPRICELINK## - Displays the MAP pricing message as a link that opens a popup window
- ##HIDEBYID## - Prevents an element from rendering.
- ##CURRENTDATE##- Displays Current Date for options, see date formatting rules above
##DATEFROMTODAY## - Used to display a future date for options, see date formatting rules above
- Example: ##DATEFROMTODAY[1M2d1y]##, this will return a date that is 1 month 2days and 1 year from the current date.
Example with format: ##DATEFROMTODAY[5d|MM/dd/yyyy]##
- d: days
- M: months
- y: years
- m: minutes
- h:hours
- s: seconds
- ##QUERYSTRING[name]##- Displays the value from the querystring and put it in place of this merge.
- Example: The ##QUERYSTRING[qty]## merge ran against a url of myurl.com/page.html?id=5&qty=6 will display a 6 in place of the merge
- ##IMAGERESIZER[]## - Uses the Image Resizer to render an image url for the given image. Accepts paramerters: path, lr, bw, w, bh, & h
- Example: ##IMAGERESIZER[path=##ITEMPHOTOURL##,bw=50,lr=t]## - This uses the product photo url as the image path, sets the max width to 50 and locks the ratio (size proportionally)
- TIP: this needs to be used within html as it simply creates a url. e.g. <img src="##IMAGERESIZER[path=##ITEMPHOTOURL##,bw=50,lr=t]##">
- ##ITEMPHOTOURLCSV## - Returns a CSV of all product photos
- ##ACCEPTEDCREDITCARDLOGOS## - Will display logos for the store's accepted credit cards.
##ACCEPTEDPAYMENTMETHODLOGOS## - Will display logos for the store's accepted payment methods
##JSENCODE[…]## - encodes a string for use inside quotes, useful for merge codes inside JS.
##URLENCODE[…]## - encodes a string for a url
##CARTRAWSUBTOTAL## - the cart subtotal as a decimal value (without $)
- ##CARTRAWTOTAL## - the cart total as a decimal value (without $)
- ##CARTID## - Displays the cart Id
- ##FORMID## (contactform identifier)
- ##ROOTCATID## - Renders the store root category id
- ##CARTTOTALWEIGHT## - Displays the total weight of all items in the shopping cart.
- ##CHILDPRODUCTMERGELIST## - Run any merge code against a products child items and return the values as a configurable delimited list.
- For example, ##CHILDPRODUCTMERGELIST[ITEMID]## would run the ##ITEMID## merge against all the child products and return them in a delimited list, such as: 12,45,103. Additionally you can change the separator by passing a separator parameter, and the values can be individually quoted by passing quoted=true.
- ##CHILDPRODUCTMERGELIST[PRODUCTSTATUS,separator=|,quoted=true]## would return the status of each child products wrapped in quotes, separated by a | character.
- ##INCLUDESCRIPTBOTTOM[YOUR SCRIPT LOCATION]## -- Adds a reference to the specified script at the bottom of the page. Ex: ##INCLUDESCRIPTBOTTOM[##THEMEDIR##js/product-page.js]##
Conditional General Merges
- ##IF[SessionCustomerType=XYZ]## content ##ELSE## content ##ENDIF##
- ##IF[SessionCustomerTypeID=123]## content ##ELSE## content ##ENDIF##
- ##IF[VisitingCustomerTypeID=123]## content ##ELSE## content ##ENDIF## - (same as above)
Store Merges
- ##STOREPRODUCTAVERAGERATING##: displaying average review rating for all products from a store.
- ##STOREPRODUCTREVIEWCOUNT##: displaying total review count for all products from a store.
These work in emails.
- ##LOGO##: Returns an image tag of the stores' Invoice logo.
Category Page Merges
- ##CATAVERAGERATING##: displaying average review rating for all products from a category.
- ##CATREVIEWCOUNT##: displaying total review count for all products from a category.
- Conditional merge code: ##IF[CatReviewCount]##
Affiliate Based Merges.
Typically used in affiliate emails sent from the affiliate system.- ##AFFILIATENAME## - Name of the affiliate
- ##AFFILIATEEMAIL## - Email address of the affiliate
- ##AFFILIATECENTERLINK## - URL to the affiliate system for affiliates to login
- ##AFFILIATELOGIN## - Login id for the affiliate account
- ##AFFILIATEPASSWORD## - Password for the affiliate account
- ##AFFILIATELINK## - Link the affiliate uses to send people to your site
Subscription Based Merge Codes
These work in emails that have subscription context.- ##SUBSCRIPTIONID## - Displays ID of the subscription
- ##SUBSCRIPTIONNEXTDATE## - Displays the subscription's next due date.
- ##SUBSCRIPTIONFREQUENCY## - Displays the frequency. (number value)
- ##SUBSCRIPTIONFREQUENCYTYPE## - Displays the frequency type. (days, weeks, months)
- $$ITEMSUBSCRIPTIONINFO$$- Allows the subscription frequency to be displayed in cart on View Cart Page.
Cart Based Merge Codes work in emails that have cart context.
- ##CARTITEMS## - Displays the contents of the cart.
- ##CARTITEMSHTML## - Displays the contents of the cart in HTML format.
- ##CARTLINK## - Gives a link to an existing cart.
- ##CARTTYPE## - Displays the cart type.
- ##CARTNAME## - Displays the cart name.
- ##CARTID## - Displays the cart Id
- When Use with VAT:
- ##PRICEWITHTAX## -Display item price including tax
- ##ITEMTOTALPRICEWITHTAX## - Display Line Item total price including tax
- ##CARTSUBTOTALWITHTAX## - Display cart subtotal price including tax
- ##CARTSUBTOTALWITHITEMTAX## - Display cart subtotal with item tax
- ##NONITEMTAX## -Dispaly tax for shipping, handling and discount.
Cart Based Merge Codes
Order Based Merge Codes
These work on screens and emails that have order information accessible such as order alert emails, order confirmations, order specific tracking scripts, etc .- ##ADDITEM## (legacy)
- ##GOOGLEREMARKETINGPAGETYPE## - Renders ‘home’, ‘searchresults’, ‘category’, ‘product’, ‘cart’, ‘purchase’, or ‘other’ depending on store page type.
- ##GOOGLEREMARKETINGPRODID## - On a product page renders ‘##ITEMID##’, on cart, checkout and orderview renders array of item ids, ex: [‘123’.’456’,’789’]
- ##GOOGLEREMARKETINGITEMNR## - will render item nr(s) instead of the ids
- ##GOOGLEREMARKETINGTOTALVALUE## - On a product page renders ‘##PRICERAW##’, on cart and checkout it renders the raw subtotal, and on order view renders the raw total.
- ##ORDERDISCOUNTEDSUBTOTAL## - Subtotal minus applied discounts
- ##ORDERDATE## - Displays order date with time for options, see date formatting rules above
- ##ORDERDATEDATE## - Displays order date for options, see date formatting rules above
- ##ORDERSHIPDATE## - Displays the shipping date for options, see date formatting rules above
- ##ORDERDUEDATE## - Used internally by AmeriCommerce for Quickbooks. Only exposed via API. The due date of the invoice/order for options, see date formatting rules above
- ##DUEDATE## - Used internally by AmeriCommerce for Quickbooks. Only exposed via API. (same as above) The due date of the invoice/order
- ##ORDERPOINTSEARNED## - Number of reward points earned from order
- ##ORDERPOINTSREDEEMED## - Number of reward points redeemed at the time of order placement
- ##ORDERDOLLARSEARNED## - Dollars earned from order (reward points to dollar amount)
- ##ORDERDOLLARSREDEEMED## - Dollars redeemed at the time of order placement (reward points to dollar amount)
- ##PAYMENTDECLINEDREASON## - Displays any response from the payment gateway as the declined reason.
- ##MFGPARTNUMBER## - Recently added MGPARTNUMBER and MFGNAME merges for order items. This allows the ##MFGPARTNUMBER## merge code to work on the order view page.
- ##EDITDATE## - Displays the last date the order was edited for options, see date formatting rules above
- ##ENTERDATE## - Displays the date when the order was created for options, see date formatting rules above
- ##ORDERSALESPERSON## - Display the sales person assigned to this order
- $$SHIPMENTSHIPPINGMETHOD$$ - Works on Order View page. Pulls the last shipping method listed in the order’s shipping method list. This duplicates the functionality of the email ##SHIPMENTSHIPPINGMETHOD## merge code.
- $$REORDERBUTTON$$ - Works on Order View page
- $$CANCELORDERLINK$$ - Works on Order View page
- $$PRINTINVOICELINK$$ - Works on Order View page
- When Use with VAT:
- ##PRICEWITHTAX## -Display order item price including tax
- ##ITEMTOTALPRICEWITHTAX## - Display order line Item total price including tax
- ##SUBTOTALWITHTAX## - Display order subtotal price including tax
- ##SUBTOTALWITHITEMTAX## - Display order subtotal with item tax
- ##NONITEMTAX## -Dispaly tax for shipping, handling and discount.
Share-A-Sale Merges
- ##ORDERITEMLISTURLENCODED## - lists the item numbers on an order (comma separated and url encoded)
- ##ORDERPRICELISTURLENCODED## - lists the item prices on an order (comma separated and url encoded)
- ##ORDERQUANTITYLISTURLENCODED## - lists the item quantities on an order (comma separated and url encoded)
- Channel Intelligence order confirmation scripts and Nextag ROI tracking scripts.[more info]
- ##ORDERITEMLISTQUOTED## - Generates a list of all items (by SKU/Item Number) on the order enclosed in single quotes and separated by a comma.
Example: ‘fasfsdasdfdsfdsfds’,’ITEMNR123123’,’ItemNr21231231’ - ##ORDERITEMLISTQUOTEDWITHQTY## - Generates a list of all items (by SKU/Item Number) on the order with the corresponding quantity enclosed in single quotes and separated by a comma.
Example: ‘fasfsdasdfdsfdsfds 13’,’ITEMNR123123 2’,’ItemNr21231231 1’ - ##ORDERITEMLISTQUOTEDWITHPRICE## - Generates a list of all items (by SKU/Item Number) on the order with the corresponding price enclosed in single quotes and separated by a comma.
Example: ‘fasfsdasdfdsfdsfds 2295.0000’,’ITEMNR123123 5.0000’,’ItemNr21231231 4.0000’ - ##ORDERITEMLISTPIPESEPARATED## - Generates a list of all items (by SKU/Item Number) on the order separated by the character |
Example: fasfsdasdfdsfdsfds|ITEMNR123123|ItemNr21231231 - ##ORDERQUANTITYLISTPIPESEPARATED## - Generates a list of all the item quantities on the order separated by the character |
Example: 13|2|1 - ##ORDERCATEGORYLISTPIPESEPARATED## - Generates a list of the primary category for each line item on the order separated by the character |
Example: Electronics|Action|Comedy - ##ORDERQUANTITYLISTQUOTED## - Generates a list of the quantities of all items on the order enclosed in single quotes and separated by a comma.
Example: ?B!F ?(B13’,’2’,’1’ - ##ORDERPRICELISTQUOTED## - Generates a list of the prices of all items on the order enclosed in single quotes and separated by a comma (rounds to 2 decimal places).
Example: ‘2295.00’,’5.00’,’4.00’
- ##ORDERITEMLISTQUOTED## - Generates a list of all items (by SKU/Item Number) on the order enclosed in single quotes and separated by a comma.
- WebTrends Ad Director Beacon Tracking.
- ##ORDERITEMLISTWEBTRENDS## - Populates the tracking script with order item information.
- ##PARTIALSHIPPINGINFO## - Textual shipping information
- ##PARTIALSHIPPINGINFOHTML## - Table based html of the shipping info (optionally use ##PARTIALSHIPPINGINFOHTML[limit=x]## to set the max length of product names)
Please note ##BILLCOMPANY## and ##SHIPCOMPANY## have been deprecated and will still pull the customer level company field if needed. They have been replaced with ##BILLADDRESSCOMPANY## and ##SHIPADDRESSCOMPANY## which will pull the company value from the billing or shipping order addresses.
- ##SHIPMENTSHIPPINGMETHOD## - Displays the shipping method for an order
- ##ADMINORDERLINK## - Link directly to the order in the admin console
- ##DISCOUNTTOTAL## - The amount of the discount as a negative number
- ##DISCOUNTSTRING## - The discount rule name(s) that are applied to the order
- ##HTMLORDERITEMS## - Items in the order, displayed in a table
- ##ITEMTOTALCOST## - returns the item’s cost multiplied by its quantity when used in the Order Item context in emails.
- ##MANUFACTURERINVOICENUMBER## - Displays the manufacturer invoice number assigned to the order.
- ##ORDERBALANCE## - Displays the remaining balance on an order
- ##ORDERDATE## - Date the order was placed
- ##ORDERID## - ID of the order
- ##ORDERITEMS## - Items in the order
- ##RMAORDERITEMS## - Text based only to display RMA items in the order
- ##ORDERPAYMENTLINK## - Order payment link generated on the order edit page to send a payment link to the customer.
- ##ORDERSTATUS## - Current status of the order
- ##PAYMENTMETHOD## - Payment method used
- ##PAYMENTMETHODWITHAMOUNTS## - will render not just the payment method names, but the amount of each payment method in parenthesis.
- Example: Credit Card (50.00), Gift Certificate (25.00)
- ##PAYMENTSTATUS## - Current status of the payment
- ##PAYMENTMETHODWITHCC## which will render as "Visa xxxx-1234 ($12.34)"
- ##AUTHCODE## merge code for an order’s Authorization codes (Transaction ID for paypal payments)
- ##SHIPDATE## - This is the date that the order status is changed to shipped.
- ##SHIPPING## - Shipping amount on order
- ##SHIPPINGNOTICE## - Displays information about shipping restrictions, call for shipping, etc.
- ##SUBTOTAL## - Subtotal for the order
- ##TAX##
- ##TOTAL##
- ##PUBLICORDERCOMMENTSCLEARHTML## - Public order comments with HTML removed
- ##PRIVATEORDERCOMMENTSCLEARHTML## - Private order comments with HTML removed
- ##ISGIFT##
- ##INFOITEMS## - An item added to the cart that is visible to the store owner but not the customer i.e.: "This order came from my blue email template"
- ##INFOITEMSHTML## - HTML version of the above merge
- ##CATEGORYCUSTOMFIELD[fieldname]## - Custom fields created for categories, and used via merge codes and import/exporting.
- ##SORTEDWAREHOUSEORDERITEMS## - For order emails sent to warehouses. Uses GTIN/UPC field to sort products. In the event that the UPC field is not populated, these items will be added to the bottom of the sorted list.
- ##GTINSORTEDWAREHOUSEORDERITEMS## - For New Order Notification (Drop Shipper) email template. This is to sort items by the GTIN
- ##SHIPMENTSHIPPINGMETHOD## - Pulls the shipping method stored on the shipment. If no shipment record is found, it defaults to the ##SHIPPINGMETHOD## value.
- $$TOTALSHIPPINGWEIGHT$$ - Outputs the entire weight of the order.
- ##RESETPASSWORDURL## - Generates the URL for the customer to reset their password
- ##ITEMPHOTOURL[w=50,h=50]## - displays the product image in the email
- The following merges must be used between 2 HTML comments:
insert merges and html here to be repeated for each order item
insert merges and html here to be repeated for each RMA item
insert merges and html here for review emails
insert merges and html here for abandoned cart emails
- Screenshot example
- ##ITEMID##
- ##ITEMNR##
- ##QTY##
- ##ITEMFULLURL## - fully qualified url with domain name attached and current rewritten path
- ##ITEMRAWURL## - fully qualified url with domain name attached but the raw path with ?ID
- ##ITEMIMAGEURL## - displays the image in the order confirmation email.
- ##SHIPPINGCLASSIFICATIONCODE##- displays the product shipping classification code if set on the product
- ##ETADATE##- displays the ETA date specified on a given product. requires "Show ETA Date" checked in the theme settings.
- ##DELIVERYETA## - displays the ETA date of the selected shipping option. Requires a value for lead time in Settings > Shipping > General under Shipping Service Settings
- ##TIMEFRAME##- displays the "usually ships in" text specified in product statuses.
- All product merges technically can be accessed here as well, but if you delete the product they will no longer render, such as for older orders.
- ##ITEMSHORTDESCRIPTION## - Pulls the items' short description.
- ##ITEMDESC## - Pulls information about the product, including variations, customizations and Line Item Notes.
- ##GIFTCERTIFICATEBALANCE## - Lists each gift certificate code used on the order along with the remaining balance left on the gift certificate.
- ##GIFTCERTIFICATECODES## - Lists all gift certificate codes in a comma separated format. Can be used in the Admin Header or Order Summary to show the codes consumed by the order.
- ##PERSONALIZATIONS## - Lists all the personalization questions with their answers.
- ##VARIATIONS## - For Variants - List all the variations with the selected choice
- ##ITEMNOTE## - Returns the note on this item.
- $$GIFTCERTIFICATEAMOUNT$$ - Outputs the amount left on a gift certificate. Only works on the Customer - My Account page.
- ##GIFTCERTIFICATEDELIVERYAREA## - Outputs the Gift Certificate code, amount, and expiration date if applicable
- ##GIFTCERTIFICATEDELIVERYAREAHTML## - Outputs the Gift Certificate code, amount, and expiration date if applicable using HTML line breaks
- ##GIFTCERTIFICATETOEMAIL## - Obtained from the optional personalization fields on the Gift Certificate eProduct or on the Gift Certificate Edit screen.
- ##GIFTCERTIFICATETONAME## - Obtained from the optional personalization fields on the Gift Certificate eProduct or on the Gift Certificate Edit screen.
- ##GIFTCERTIFICATECODESCSV## - Lists all gift certificate codes in a comma separated format. Can be used to send multiple codes to a customer via an email template.
- ##SUBSCRIPTIONTYPE##-None, EntireOrder, SubscriptionProductsOnly
- ##SUBSCRIPTIONNAME##-OrderID: XXXX for EntireOrder type, ItemName for SubscriptionProductsOnly
- ##PAYMENTMETHOD##-the Customer Payment Method used for a renewal. CardType: xxxx-0000 exp: 11/2011
- ##LASTPAYMENTSTATUS##-Success/Declined, last time the subscription renewal was attempted.
- ##ISENABLED##-Enabled/Disabled
- ##ISACTIVE##-Active/Inactive (same as is enabled, different wording)
- ##TOGGLEENABLED##-Enable/Disable - Opposite of current status as an action word. Can be passed via QueryString along with SubscriptionID to MyAccount to swap status.
- $$ITEMSUBSCRIPTIONINFO$$ - Allows the subscription frequency to be displayed in cart on View Cart Page.
(These are extensions of the existing similar merges. For Order we added a merge of quoted ItemIDs on the order. The cart merges are new and work on any pagetype for the active cart but behave the same way the order merges do, ItemID list, Price list and Quantity list.)
- ##QUOTEEXPIRATION## - Returns the expiration date of the quote. Quote expiration date does not transfer to the placed order. for options, see date formatting rules above
- ##QUOTEEXPIRATIONDATE## - (same as above) Displays the expiration date of the quote
- ##EPRODUCTS##- Creates the link to the eProduct. Text Only.
- ##EPRODUCTSHTML##- Creates the link to the eProduct. Clickable. Use in HTML format e-mails only.
- [Conditional Merges] (else is optional)
- ##IF[OrderIsGift]## content ##ELSE## content ##ENDIF## (else if optional)
- ##COUPONCODE## - Displays the coupon code used for an order.
Review Email Only Merges
- Please refer to the Order Email Only Merges section
Invoice Page Control Based Merges
These are used on the order invoice page in the custom layout editor.- Invoice Page Layout Area
- $$LOGO$$
- $$RMAREASON$$ - Dropdown of reasons defined in the RMAReasonCSV store text field, comma separated list
- $$RMAREASONLABEL$$ - Label for the dropdown editor, defaults to "Reason for return:"
- ItemDetail Layout Area
- OrderShipping Layout Area - shipment must exist on the order for these to populate
- ShippingMethodsChosen Layout Area
- WarehouseStatus Layout Area
Search Page Merge Codes.
- $$CMSPAGELINK$$ - Page Title linked to page
- $$CMSRELEVANCE$$ - Matching score like the product scores
- $$CMSDESCRIPTION$$ - Page Description
- $$CMSPAGETITLE$$ - Page Title (unlinked)
- $$CMSSUMMARY$$ - The first 200 characters of the page Content
- $$CMSCONTENT$$ - The page Content
- $$CMSCONTENTNOHTML$$ - The page Content stripped of HTML
$$PRODUCTCOUNT$$ - total product search results (over all pages)
$$MFGCOUNT$$ - total manufacturer matches
$$CATEGORYCOUNT$$ - total category matches
$$CONTENTCOUNT$$ - total content page matches
$$BLOGCOUNT$$ - total blog posts + blog matches.
- All merges from Category Merges
- $$CATEGORYTRAIL$$ - Displays the category path.
Blog Posts
- All entity merges from Blog Post Entity Merges
- All control merges from Blog Post Page Control Merges
Customer Based Merges - Email Templates.
- ##BILLADDRESS## - Customer's billing address
- ##HTMLBILLADDRESS## - Customer's billing address in an HTML format
- ##CAMPAIGNCODE## - The campaign or AdCode the customer came to the site on
- ##CUSTOMEREMAIL## - Email address of the customer
- ##CUSTOMERNUMBER## - External Customer Nr from the customer account on the General tab.
- ##CUSTOMERID## - Customer #
- ##PPCKEYWORD## - Pay per click keyword the customer came to the site under
- ##SEARCHPHRASE## - Search phrase the customer came to the site under
- ##SHIPADDRESS## - Customer's shipping address
- ##HTMLSHIPADDRESS## - Customer's shipping address in an HTML format
- ##SOURCE## - The source (Organic, PPC, etc.) a customer came to the site from
- ##SOURCEGROUP## - The source group on the visitor session.
- ##CUSTOMERCUSTOMFIELD[FieldName]## - The value of a custom field for Customers
- ##CUSTOMERCUSTOMFIELDLISTITEMTEXT[fieldName]## - gets actual text selected from custom field dropdown (as opposed to value, which may or may not be the same as the text)
- ##REWARDEXPIRATIONDATE## - Expire date of expiring rewards. For options, see date formatting rules above.
##REWARDPOINTSEXPIREIN[format]## - Time span until expire date of expiring rewards. The default is in days, so if the reward points will expire in 6 days the value will be 6. It also accepts formatting as an option.
"d"-"dddddddd" The number of whole days in the time interval, padded with leading zeros as needed. ddd
--> "006""h"-"hh" The number of whole hours in the time interval that aren't counted as part of days. hh
--> 08"m"-"mm" The number of whole minutes in the time interval that aren't included as part of hours or days. mm
--> "08""s"-"ss" The number of whole seconds in the time interval that aren't included as part of hours, days, or minutes. ss
--> 06
- ##IF[CustomerAdCode=XYZ]## content ##ELSE## content ##ENDIF## - The adcode stored on the customer record directly. (BLANK or = checks are supported)
- ##IF[CustomerAffiliateCode=XYZ]## content ##ELSE## content ##ENDIF## - The affiliate stored on the customer record directly. (BLANK or = checks are supported)
- ##IF[CustomerIsAffiliate]## content ##ELSE## content ##ENDIF##
- ##IF[CustomerType=Wholesale]## content ##ELSE## content ##ENDIF##
- ##IF[CustomerIsNew]## content ##ELSE## content ##ENDIF##
- ##IF[CustomerHasNoAccount]## content ##ELSE## content ##ENDIF##
- ##IF[CustomerStoreID=123]## content ##ELSE## content ##ENDIF##
- ##IF[TRACKINGCODEEXISTS]## content ##ELSE## content ##ENDIF##
[USAGE NOTE FOR THE FOLLOWING MERGE CODES {CUSTOMERORDERTOTAL, CUSTOMERORDERTOTALPAID, CUSTOMERORDERTOTAL , CUSTOMERORDERTOTALPAID} ONLY] :These work in spots where all customer merges work where a customer has context, like order emails and myaccount page. Will not work on general locations like the home page.
- ##CUSTOMERORDERTOTAL ## - Total of all orders that are not of a cancelled or declined order status
- ##CUSTOMERORDERTOTALPAID ## -Total of all orders that are not of a cancelled or declined order status for which complete payment has been received (approved)
Mailing List Merge Codes:
- ##REMOVEFROMDRIPSERIESURL## - Adds an Unsubscribe link to the email to unsubscribe from the mailing list.
Customer Based Merges - My account page.
- $$CANCELORDERLINK$$ - displays link to allow customer to cancel order
- $$CUSTOMERAMOUNTDUEPERCENT$$ - renders out a prestyled “progress bar”
- ##REWARDEXPIRATIONDATE## - Expire date of expiring rewards. For options, see date formatting rules above.
- ##REWARDPOINTSEXPIREIN[format]## - Time span until expire date of expiring rewards. The default is in days, so if the reward points will expire in 6 days the value will be 6. It also accepts formatting as an option (See ##REWARDPOINTSEXPIREIN[format]## above).
- ##CUSTOMERREWARDTIER## - current reward tier.
- ##REWARDTIERADDITIONALSPENDNEEDED## - Additional spending need to keep current tier.
- ##NEXTREWARDTIERADDITIONALSPENDNEEDED## - Additional spending need to move to next tier.
- ##REWARDTIERADDITIONALSPENDNEEDEDBYDATE## -- Additional spending need by date.
Drop Shipper/Warehouse Specific Merges
- ##WAREHOUSENAME## - The name of the warehouse or drop shipper
- ##WAREHOUSEACCOUNT## - The account number set for the warehouse or drop shipper
- ##WAREHOUSEADDRESS## - The street address, city, state, and zip for the drop shipper or warehouse
- ##WAREHOUSEORDERITEMS## - Lists the items that come from the current warehouse in an order (used for the texted based email format)
- ##HTMLWAREHOUSEORDERITEMS## - Lists the items that come from the current warehouse in an order (used for the html based email format)
- ##WAREHOUSESUBTOTAL## - Displays the subtotal of the items in an order from the current warehouse
- ##WAREHOUSETOTAL## - Displays the total of the items (after adding shipping) in an order from the current warehouse
Site Specific Merges
These are used site-wide and pertain to the specific store the customer is on.- ##DOMAINNAME## - URL of your storefront
- ##SSLDOMAIN## - Secure URL of your storefront
UrlBased Mailing List Merges
These are used at the end of a URL for the "Subscribe URL:" text box underneath "UrlBased List Settings".
Product Details Control Based Merges
Used on the product details custom layout editor.- $$PHOTO$$ - Thumbnail area
- $$PRODUCTFLAGS$$ - Pulls in an image for the flag if any are active.
- $$MFGNAME$$ - Name of Manufacturer
- $$MFGLOGO$$ - Logo of Manufacturer
- $$ITEMNR$$ - Item Number
- $$AVAILABILITY$$ - Displays what product status is available for the product
- $$NOTIFYME$$ - Displays the Notify Me link for an out of stock product.
- $$RETAIL$$
- $$PRICE$$
- $$DETAILS$$ - All of the descriptions, including the Tabs if enabled
- $$RELATEDITEMS$$ - The related items control can be moved around for display, can also use the related items snapins for this
- $$PRODUCTGROUPDISPLAY$$ - Used for product groups, parent child display, kitting, etc. An alternative display of price/qty
- $$SOCIALBOOKMARKS$$ - Displays social bookmarking engine links
- $$SHIPPINGESTIMATIONLINK$$ - Estimates shipping right from the product page
- $$CITY$$ - Only works on Shipping Estimation page. Hook up state dropdown with country selection.
- $$CATEGORYTRAIL$$ - Displays the Category Path of the product
- $$TOPSNAPINAREA$$ - Displays the Snap-Ins for the (TOP OF PAGE) Snap-In Section
- $$TOPPRODUCTSPECIFICSNAPINAREA$$ - Displays Product Specific (TOP OF PAGE) Snap-Ins from the Product Details Page
- $$BOTTOMSNAPINAREA$$ - Displays the Snap-Ins for the (BOTTOM OF PAGE) Snap-In Section
- $$BOTTOMPRODUCTSPECIFICSNAPINAREA$$ - Displays Product Specific (BOTTOM OF PAGE) Snap-Ins from the Product Details Page
- $$ETADATE$$ - Displays the Estimated Time to Deliver Date
- $$REVIEWCOUNTLINK$$ - Displays a link to view the product reviews for the currently displayed product.
- $$WRITEREVIEWLINK$$ - Displays a link to a page where the customer can write a product review for the currently displayed product.
- $$AVERAGEREVIEWRATINGSTARS$$ - Displays the average "star" rating rating calculated as the sum of ratings divided by the count of product reviews that have been submitted and approved for the product.
- $$SUBSCRIPTIONFREQUENCY$$ - Used in Conjunction with Variable Subscription Types to place a dropdown selector for Subscription Renewal Frequency
Product Based Merges
These can be used on the product details page custom layout editor or in the HTML of a product-type widget- ##ITEMID##
- ##ITEMFULLURL## - fully qualified url with domain name attached and current rewritten path
- ##ITEMRAWURL## - fully qualified url with domain name attached but the raw path with ?ID
- ##ITEMPHOTOURL## - displays the item image in email templates, such as "Order Approved"
##ITEMSECONDARYPHOTOURL[]## - adds a secondary photo URL, where the setting is the index, e.g., to get URL of 2nd non-primary image, 2 can be passed as a setting: ##ITEMSECONDARYPHOTOURL[2]##
- This merge code can be used without a setting e.g. ##ITEMSECONDARYPHOTOURL##, this will return first non-primary photo URL and will work the same as if a setting of 1 is specified i.e. ##ITEMSECONDARYPHOTOURL[1]##
- "##ALTTEXT## - alt text for image
- ##CATID## - Primary category ID, does not include subcategories the product belongs to
- All Category ## Merges - Processes category merges using the primary category of the product
- ##MFGID##
- All Manufacturer ## Merges - Processes category merges using the primary category of the product
- ##MFGPARTNUMBER## - Displays
- ##ITEMNR##
- ##PRICE## - Shows calculated price. Multiple features/factors can cause it to change, such as if Minimum Advertised Price is enabled, the retail price will be shown
- ##PRICERAW## - renders an undecorated price without commas or currency symbols
- ##RAWPRICE## - (same as above)
- ##BASEPRICE## - Shows base price
- ##BASEPRICERAW## - renders an undecorated base price without commas or currency symbols
- ##RETAIL## - Shows retail price
- ##RETAILRAW## - renders an undecorated retail price without commas or currency symbols
- ##COST## - Shows cost
- ##COSTRAW## - renders an undecorated cost without commas or currency symbols
- ##YOUSAVEAMOUNT## - Shows difference between Retail and Base Price as Dollar Amount
- ##YOUSAVEPERCENT## - Shows difference between Retail and Base Price as Percentage Amount
- ##YOUSAVELABEL## - Label for You Save merge. Default: "You Save:"
- ##CUSTOMERTYPEPRICE[]## - product merge, where the setting is the CustomerType name. It displays the product's customer type pricing as a currency amount without a label. If there is no matching customer type price for the product, the product's main price is displayed. Example: ##CUSTOMERTYPEPRICE[Wholesale]##
- ##COST##
- ##DROPSHIPPINGMSG## - When a product's drop ship flag is on it will display the drop shipping message found under Settings > Shipping > General
- ##ATTRIBUTEDETAILS## - A formatted output of all attribute groups, their values and their attribute names
- showall - shows all 3 values, attribute group, attribute and attribute value.
- groupid- allows only a specific attribute group to be specified
- hidelabel: hides the label of the attribute, it is visible by default
- link: will create a hyperlink for the item and point it to an attribute listing page with other products that have the same attribute as the one selected.
- Multiple groupid can be seperated with a | (ex: groupid=4|5)
- ##ATTRIBUTEDETAILS[groupid=4,hidelabel=true,link=true,showall=true]##
- ##PRODUCTSTATUS## - product status like In Stock, Discontinued, etc.
- ##GTIN## - global trade item number, used for google feeds and barcodes
- ##QUANTITYONHAND## - in stock quantity on hand.
- ##TIMEFRAME##- displays the "usually ships in" text specified in product statuses.
- ##ITEMWEIGHT[decimalplaces=?]## - ? represents the number of decimal places to use.
- ##LENGTH## (optionally use ##LENGTH[includeunit=true]##)
- ##WIDTH## (optionally use ##WIDTH[includeunit=true]##)
- ##HEIGHT## (optionally use ##HEIGHT[includeunit=true]##)
- ##LASTITEMNR## - item number history field
- ##TELLAFRIEND## - Displays the Tell A Friend link that will open in a Highslide popup.
- ##MULTIPLESOFQUANT## - set via store text to display a message about the product using the "multiples of quantity" setting
- Products can have "Multiples of Quantity". If this is any number other than 1, quantities of any product added to or updated in the cart are rounded up to the next nearest multiple of this value. For instance, if this value is 5 and 2 are added, the quantity is adjusted to 5. If 6 are added, the quantity is adjusted to 10.
- ##ETADATE##- displays the ETA date specified on a given product. requires "Show ETA Date" checked in the theme settings.
- ##AVAILABILITY## - do not use. depreciated in favor of ##PRODUCTSTATUS##
- ##PRODUCTCOLUMNCSSCLASS[…]## - This merge code is used on Product Listing pages such as the category page, search page, manufacturer page, as well as in Product Display widgets. The purpose is to allow the flexibility of responsive design as well as allowing the “Products Per Row” settings to still work. The merge code takes in a list of settings to correspond to the Products Per Row value.
- ##REWARDPOINTSEARNED## - for product details page. Allows customer to show the points earned for the current product being viewed. Includes variant drop down support.
- Set Item By ID merges:Allows you to process product based merges based on an item in the cart. Product based merges placed here will be evaluated based on the item specified above.
- ##SETITEMBYID[123]##
- ##SETITEMBYCARTINDEX[0]##-the valid numbers are 0 – (n-1), where n is the number of items in the cart.
##ITEMNAME## is the best product.
- ##AVAILABILITYSCHEMATYPE## - Merge for products that renders as either InStock or OutOfStock. Meant to be appended to a schema URL to specify availability.
- $$AVERAGEREVIEWRATINGSTARS$$ (Product Details Widget)
- $$OVERALLRATING$$(Product Details Widget)
- ##REVIEWCOUNT## - Displays the number of product reviews that have been submitted and approved for the product.
- ##AVERAGERATING## - Displays the average rating calculated as the sum of ratings divided by the count of product reviews that have been submitted and approved for the product.
Conditional Product Merges
- ##IF[StoreID=1]## sample text ##ELSE## sample test ##ENDIF## (else is optional) - Used to differentiate text in product descriptions and other fields on a per store basis.
- ##IF[StoreID=1]## This text and html will show up on store 1 ##ENDIF##
- ##IF[StoreID!=1]## This text will show up on all stores BUT store 1 ##ENDIF##
- ##IF[LoggedIn]## content ##ELSE## content ##ENDIF## - If customer or admin logged in.
- ##IF[LoggedIn=regular/guest/customer/admin]## content ##ELSE## content ##ENDIF## - If regular: regular customer with password logged in; guest: guest customer logged in; customer: regular or guest customer logged in; admin: admin user logged in.
- ##IF[SessionCustomerIsNew]## content ##ELSE## content ##ENDIF##
- ##IF[SessionAdCode=XYZ]## content ##ELSE## content ##ENDIF## - The adcode stored on the current session. (BLANK or = checks are supported)
- ##IF[SessionAffiliateCode=XYZ]## content ##ELSE## content ##ENDIF## - The affiliate code stored on the current session. (BLANK or = checks are supported)
- ##IF[SessionIsAffiliate]## content ##ELSE## content ##ENDIF##
- ##IF[IsMicroStore]## content ##ELSE## content ##ENDIF##
- ##IF[IsNotMicroStore]## content ##ELSE## content ##ENDIF##
- ##IF[CartIsEmpty]## content ##ELSE## content ##ENDIF##
- ##IF[ITEMID=1234]## content ##ELSE## content ##ENDIF##
- ##IF[datebetween=1/1/16 AND 12/31/16]## content ##ELSE## content ##ENDIF## - Checks that the current date is between the specified date range.
- ##IF[ProductStatus=Out of Stock]##$$AVAILABILITY$$ ##ELSE## ##ENDIF## Can be used to only show availability when out of stock.
- ##IF[IsKit]## content ##ELSE## content ##ENDIF##
- ##IF[UseMapPricing]## content ##ELSE## content ##ENDIF## * *The indicated merges accept Summary String settings for length and "more info" indicator. It also strips all HTML code from the field. For example, to limit the Long Description 1 field to 100 characters followed by "...", use:##LONGDESCRIPTION1[100,...]##
Shopping Cart Page Control Merges
- $$CUSTOMMESSAGE$$ - Simple message for visitors to your cart page, store text so you can put it in multiple languages.
- $$CLEARCOUPONCODEBUTTON$$ - To clear the coupon entry field
This can be added to the LargeShoppingCart Widget layout
next to the $$ADDCOUPONCODEBUTTON$$ merge code
in: Theme > Pages > Shopping Cart > Widgets > LargeShoppingCart > Layout
Catalog Control Merges
Used on the catalog page custom layout editor.- Catalog: Catalog Page Layout Area
- $$MASSADDTOCARTBUTTON$$ - adds all items on the page to the cart
- Catalog: Product List Layout Area
- $$PRICE$$
- ##VARIANTINVENTORYDETAILTABLE## - will return variants, status, and price for the product if not using variant inventory, or all variant inventories of the product if the product is using variant inventory. .
- $$STOCKSTATUSFILTER$$ - Works on Category, Manufacturer, Search and Attribute theme pages. It will display a dropdown list with all the product statues that are not hidden. Upon selecting a value, the page will refresh and show only products with that product status.
- $$STOCKSTATUSFILTERBOTTOM$$ - Works on Category, Manufacturer, Search and Attribute theme pages. Displays a dropdown list with all the product statues that are not hidden. Upon selecting a value, the page will refresh and show only products with that product status.
Manufacturer Based Merge Codes
Used on the Catalog page custom layout editor.- Manufacturer: Manufacturer Page Layout Area
- Manufacturer: Product List Layout Area
- Same as Category: Product List Layout Area Below
Manufacturer Merges Codes
Used on the manufacturer page in page titles and meta tags- ##MFGNAME##
- ##MFGURL##
- ##MFGFULLURL## - fully qualified url with domain name attached and current rewritten path
- ##MFGRAWURL## - fully qualified url with domain name attached but the raw path with ?ID
Category Control Merges
Used on the category page custom layout editor- Category: Category Page Layout Area
- Category: Child Category Layout Area
- Category: Product List Layout Area
- $$PRICE$$
- $$AVERAGEREVIEWRATINGSTARS$$ - Displays the average "star" rating rating calculated as the sum of ratings divided by the count of product reviews that have been submitted and approved for the product.
Category Merges
Used on the category page in page titles and meta tags- ##CATNAME##
- ##CATURL##
- ##CATFULLURL## - fully qualified url with domain name attached and current rewritten path
- ##CATRAWURL## - fully qualified url with domain name attached but the raw path with ?ID
- ##CATICON## - Displays the Category Icon path.
- ##CATTHUMB## - Displays the Category Thumbnail path.
- ##RAWPRICE## - Renders an undecorated price without commas or currency symbols
- ##ROOTCATNAME## - The top most category in the tree of the selected category you are currently on. Dvds > Action > Mel Gibson...Dvds is the root, no matter where in the tree you are at.
- ##ROOTCATFULLURL## - fully qualified url with domain name attached and current rewritten path
- ##ROOTCATRAWURL## - fully qualified url with domain name attached but the raw path with ?ID
- ##ROOTCATICON## - Displays the root category's Category Icon path no matter where in the tree you are at.
- ##ROOTCATTHUMB## - Displays the root category's Category Thumbnail path no matter where in the tree you are at.
Store Testimonials Control Merges
Used on the store testimonials page custom layout editor
- Store Testimonials: Store Testimonials Page Layout Area
- $$RAWRATINGVALUE$$ - Displays star rating a number, ie 4.00
- Store Testimonials: Item Layout Area
- $$RATING$$ - testimonial rating in the format of stars
- $$TITLE$$ - testimonial title
- $$REVIEWDATE$$ - the date that the testimonial was published
- $$AUTHORNAME$$ - the name of the testimonial author
- $$AUTHORLOCATION$$ - location given by author
- $$BODY$$ - testimonial text
- $$TESTIMONIALDATE$$ - displays the date the testimonial was published (widgets only).
- ##AVERAGETESTIMONIALRATING## - shows the averaged rating for approved testimonials for the store as a number, ie 2.30
- ##TESTIMONIALCOUNT## - shows the amount of approved testimonials for the store, ie 10
Attribute Merges
Used on the attribute page in page titles and meta tags- ##ATTRIBUTENAME##
- ##ATTRIBUTEFULLURL## - fully qualified url with domain name attached and current rewritten path
- ##ATTRIBUTERAWURL## - fully qualified url with domain name attached but the raw path with ?ID
Content Page Merges
Used on content pages in page titles and meta tags- ##CONTENTPAGENAME##
- ##CONTENTPAGEFULLURL## - fully qualified url with domain name attached and current rewritten path
- ##CONTENTPAGERAWURL## - fully qualified url with domain name attached but the raw path with ?ID
- ##CONTENTPAGEDESC## - meta description for content page
- ##SHAREDCONTENT[nameofsharedcontentmerge]## - Adds a shared content page to a content page.
Cart Email Merges
Used in abandoned cart emails- ##CARTITEMS## - A list of items in a customer's cart in text format.
- ##CARTITEMSHTML## - HTML version
Theme Merges
Site level theme merges, not available in emails.- ##THEMEPAGEWIDTH## - Layout width from the theme for the entire wrapping area of the site
- ##THEMELEFTCOLUMNWIDTH## - Layout width from the theme for the bounding area of the left column
- ##THEMERIGHTCOLUMNWIDTH## - Layout width from the theme for the bounding area of the right column
- ##THEMEMAINCONTENTWIDTH## - Layout width from the theme for the bounding area of the content area
- ##ACTIVEROOTCATEGORYURL## - Shows the active root category url link, based on Active Catalog/Microstore/etc.
- $$TARGET$$ - Pulls the target from the category
- $$HREF$$ - Pulls the URL from the category and displays it in the menu.
- $$TEXT$$ - Pulls the label of the category and display it in the menu.
- $$FACEBOOKLOGINBUTTON$$ - Displays the button to log in with Facebook.
- $$USERNAMELABEL$$ - Text to dispaly next to user name input box.
- $$USERNAMEINPUT$$ - Box to input user name
- $$PASSWORDLABEL$$ - Text to dispaly next to password input box.
- $$PASSWORDINPUT$$ - Box to input password
- $$LOGINBUTTON$$ - Displays the login button that will sign a customer in.
- $$ERROR$$ - Dispalys the error text for the failed attempt of what whetever context you are in.
- ##GRAVATARIMAGE[ email , size, default]## - Specify the customers email, the size of the gravitar and the default image.
- $$VIEWCARTLINK$$ - Link to view shopping cart
- $$CLEARCARTLINK$$ - Link to clear cart
- $$CHECKOUTBUTTON$$ - Displays a proceed to checout button.
Left Column
- $$CATEGORYHREF$$ - Category URL
- $$COUNT$$
- $$CLASS$$
Right Column
Home Page
Left & Right Column Template
- $$HEADTAGS$$ - Pulls the HTML from the headtags area
Left Column Only Template
Product Details
Product Write Review
Widget Mergecodes
Site Template Override Merges
Advanced Only!When using custom site layout of your entire template, place these merges within your HTML to put the AmeriCommerce online stores generated content within the theme.- $$HEADER$$ - The header of your site, typically above the top navigation, tied to the 'Page Header' area of the AmeriCommerce online stores theme system.
- $$TOPNAVIGATION$$ - Typically below the header, can contain snapins including dropdown menus or link groups.
- $$MAINCONTENT$$ - The content area of your site, changes by page type.
- $$LEFTCOLUMN$$ - Left column of your site, usually contains link groups and other snapins, tied to the "Left Column" area of the AmeriCommerce online stores theme system.
- $$FOOTER$$ - Footer of your site, usually contains link groups and other snapins, tied to the "Page Footer" area of the AmeriCommerce online stores theme system.
- $$RIGHTCOLUMN$$ - Right column of your site, usually contains link groups and other snapins, tied to the "Right Column" area of the AmeriCommerce online stores theme system.
Generic Variables
Use is page specific, a variable set on one page can only be referenced on the same page- ##SET[YourVariableName=Value]## - Create a variable with the assigned value
- ##SHOW[YourVariableName]## - This displays the value assigned to the variable
- ##GENERICVARIABLES## - For testing purposes, you can output all of your generic variables
- ##IF[YourVariableName=Value]## Show if True ##ELSE## Show if False ##ENDIF##
Scheduled Exports
- ##EXPORTNAME## - Name assigned to the scheduled export.
- ##TIMESTAMP## - Can accept parameters like ##TIMESTAMP[yyyyMMdd]## to change the format of the timestamp.
Microstore Merges
These only work on pages and only if you're using microstores- ##PARENTSTORENAME## - Displays the parent store of the microstore (Order Emails only)
- ##STORENAME## -- Returns current store name.
- ##MSCOLOR1##
- ##MSCOLOR2##
- ##MSLOGO## - Microstore's logo
Shopping Cart Merges
Only visible the first time the cart is viewed after adding an item. Used in the<ac:layoutarea id="LastItemAdded">
- ##ITEMID##
- ##PRICE##
- ##COST##
- ##ITEMNR##
These only work in the layout area: <ac:layoutarea id="ShopCartItem">. Useful for phantom products
- ##ITEMID##
- ##PRICE##
- ##COST##
- ##ITEMNR##
- ##PERSONALIZATIONS## - Lists all the personalization questions with their answers.
- ##ITEMNOTE## -- returns the note on the item
- ##ITEMDESC## -- Pulls information about the product, including variations, customizations and Line Item Notes.
- ##VARIATIONS## - For Variants - List all the variations with the selected choice
Save For Later Merges
- $$PRICE$$
Blog Roll Page/Widget Control Merges
- $$GROUP$$
- $$POST$$
- $$POSTS$
- $$TITLE$$
- $$AUTHOR$$
- $$IMAGE$$
Blog Roll Page Control Merges (all of the above, plus):
Blog Post Page Control Merges:
- $$TITLE$$
- $$AUTHOR$$
- $$IMAGE$$
- $$BLOGDESCRIPTION$$ - blog meta description
- $$POSTAS$$
Quote Page Merges
- $$QUOTELINK$$ - Acts as a full link on the quote layout page. There is no need to wrap in an <a> tag, it will be generated automatically. Only works on the quote layout page
- $$QUOTEEXPIRATION$$ - Only works on the quote layout page.
Product Comparison Page Merges
- $$ATTRIBUTEANDVALUE$$ - Displays the attribute's name and value (this merge code made specifically for product comparison page to be able to display values for attributes like height, width, length, etc).
Shipping Estimation Page Merges
- $$CITY$$
- $$DESCRIPTION$$ (shipping method list layout area)
- $$TOTAL$$ (shipping method list layout area)
Blog Entity Merges
- ##BLOGID##
Blog Post Entity Merges
- ##BLOGPOSTDESC## - meta description for blog post
- ##EDITDATE## - returns the date of the last edit. for options, see date formatting rules above
- ###ENTERDATE## - returns the date of publishing. for options, see date formatting rules above
- ##POSTDATE## - (Same as above) returns the date of publishing.
Profile Entity Merges
- ##PROFILEDISPLAYNAME## - Useful for displaying a profile name without a profile link.
Such as on blog post comments. - ##PROFILEREALNAME##
- ##PROFILECUSTOMURL## - Returns the URL (path) to the customer's profile. Example: yourstoreurl.com/##PROFILECUSTOMURL##.
- $$NAME$$ - Provides name value from custom links added to profile
- $$VALUELINK$$ - Provides URL value from custom links added to profile
Profile Post Entity Merges
- ##PROFILEPOSTID## - Shows the id of the content post submitted (can be used in emails to direct link to the item)
- ##REVIEWID## - Shows the review id of the product review submitted (can be used in emails to direct link to the item)
Customer Registration Page Control Merges
Contact Form Merges
Product Picture (Popup)
Reward Tier Email Merges
- ##TIERNAME## - the name of the reward tier
- ##QUALIFYINGTOTALSPEND## - The qualifying total spend of the reward tier
- ##POINTSEARNEDPERDOLLARSPENT## - The corresponding value for the reward tier
- ##ADDITIONALSPENDNEEDEDTOREMAINQUALIFIED## - for Nearing Disqualification and Tier Reminder emails only, the additional dollar amount the customer must spend to remain qualified for their current tier
- ##DISQUALIFIEDTIERNAME## - for Nearing Disqualification and Tier Reminder emails only, the name of the tier to which they will revert (or "No Tier") if they do not meet the additional spend required.
- ##ADDITIONALSPENDNEEDEDTOQUALIFY## - for Nearing Tier emails only, the additional dollar amount the customer must spend to qualify for the tier
- ##ADDITIONALSPENDNEEDEDBYDATE## - The date by which the additional spend must occur, for Nearing Disqualification, Tier Reminder, and Nearing Tier emails
Hidden HTML Comments That Won't Render With Page
- <!--[ac] *Comment goes here* --> -The '[ac]' is special syntax that will prevent the comment itself from rendering at all on the page
Custom CSS Classes For Control Merges
- Most control merges that start and end with $$ can have custom CSS classes added to them via the following syntax:
- $$MERGE[class=foo,bar]$$
- This allows you to directly add classes onto controls as opposed to wrapping them inside a separate <div> with a class on it.
Social Networking Merges