Storefront > Settings > Payments > Gateways
Integrated Gateways and their Setup
Overview is integrated with a multitude of excellent gateways to help payments move seamlessly. We strongly suggest checking out Nuvei for your payment gateway needs, it’s a powerful, safe, and intuitive gateway. Within this article you will learn how to select a gateway, how gateways work, troubleshooting a gateway, and setting up a gateway.
Please note, there is a processing fee and activation waiting period for all non-Nuvei payment gateways.
How to Select a Gateway
Gateways are selected by our clients based on a few factors:
The Products you Sell
Some gateways will not allow you to sell certain things such as cannabis, pharmaceuticals/vitamin supplements, hair extensions, gambling products, in-person services and things like that. You will need to review the terms of service for the gateway to discover if they will allow what you sell.
Gateway Rates and Plans
You will want to review the plan types for the gateway. This will be how you are paying for their services. This can include a flat monthly fee, transaction percentage, flat fee per transaction and can impact your business differently depending on your type of business. You will want to research the best gateway for your needs.
Gateway Support and Accessibility
You will want to understand the gateways support hours of operation and how to contact them if needed. It will be important to understand they have different branches that have different functions that may work on different days/times. This includes Operations and Risk teams, Technical Support, Payment Batch Team, etc. Integration
Lastly you will want to make sure they’re on our list of integrated payment gateways to make sure they are compatible. If a gateway is not on our list, we do offer paid custom development where our developers can build the integration. You can also put it as a feature request to be voted on and potentially implemented in the future.
- Verify the terms of service and how your chosen payment gateway security works to prevent any declined transactions.
- Each store is allowed 1 active Payment Gateway; that does not include Paypal Express Checkout and alternative methods such as POs and custom methods.
How Gateways Work
Gateways are how you perform the fund capture, and you can compare it to a cashier that takes payment, verifies the funds are real, and confirms the amount is correct. Once the funds are verified then the order is passed to shipping, who will deliver the product.
Note: Payment Gateways are different from your Bank or Financial Institution, as they do not hold funds. Instead they facilitate the transfer of funds between 2 different accounts.
The total is calculated after the API call to the shipping services and the customer enters in their specific payment information. Once the information is entered adds it to an API call and sends it to the gateway services. The gateway reviews the transaction with the bank connected to the card to ensure it's ready to transact and then responds to the software with the approval or denial information. That information is located on your Dashboard > Orders > Edit the order > Payments and gateway errors returned to via the API call are displayed there. If the payment is approved it will say “Approved” and the time of approval from the gateway.
Note: does not retain payment information in its database as a security precaution.
Troubleshooting a Gateway
Test if the gateway is active
If you've just set up a gateway or you want to make sure it's getting a response, navigate to Storefront > Settings > Payments > Gateways > Edit the gateway you want to test > More Actions > Test. This will give you a test API call to the gateway service with a fake credit card, it will be an instant decline. The test is to ensure the API call is happening and that you're getting a response, once you run the test you will want to scroll to the bottom to review the API call and make sure you received a response from the gateway.
Checking an error from an order
When an order comes through and it says "Declined" you can check the reason the gateway gave by editing the order and scrolling down to the payments section. A lot of times it is going to have a number and a small message. If you want more information on the error you can contact your gateway's support team, or search the name of the gateway and error number for more information.
Automatic declines (Fraud Protection) software is designed with customer interactions in mind. This means that most, if not all, orders should come naturally through the front end of the store by customers entering in their orders. However, you may utilize the Order Entry on the admin dashboard to enter orders for customers, and declined orders may trigger the automatic fraud protection system. If you see 5 consecutive declines followed by pending statuses for an order then the fraud protection system has been triggered.’s fraud protection system monitors IP addresses and order status returns from the gateway. If the same IP address gets 5+ declined orders in a 24 hour period, the system will automatically disallow that IP address from making any orders by stopping the ability for that IP to trigger an API call to the gateway.
Assigning your Gateways to the correct stores
If you are utilizing Multi-Store setup it is important to make sure you have a gateway set up to the correct store. Each store is allowed one gateway per store and on a multi-store setup you need to ensure that you have the correct Store selected for each gateway otherwise it can cause one or more stores to no longer be able to accept payments. If you are using the same gateway for each store
Test Credit Cards
Here is a list of test credit cards you can use to place a test order and get a declined response from the gateway when placing an order on the dashboard or the front end.
Visa: 4111-1111-1111-1111 | CSV-123 | Expire-10/2030
MasterCard: 5111-1111-1111-1191 | CSV-543 | Expire-10/2030
Discover: 6011-1111-1111-1141 | CSV-543 | Expire-10/2030
American Express: 3711-1111-1111-114 | CSV-123 | Expire-10/2030
Integrated Gateways and their Setup Payments by Paypal
- Easily Set Up through the Storefront Settings page.
- Click here for more information
Stripe Home | Stripe Support Portal Home | Support Portal
- Does not require white listing the server IP address.
- IP Address Access Restriction is part of the Advanced Fraud Detection Suite (AFDS) IP Administration Tool. You can find more information here.
- API Login Key: The Merchant ID.
- API Transaction Key: Password used to authenticate requests submitted to the gateway. You can obtain your key with these instructions.
Bambora Home | Bambora Support Portal
- Login to your Bambora Account at
- Navigate to Administration > Account Settings > Order Settings
- Make sure "Use username/password validation against transaction" is NOT Checked.
- If you made any changes, Click update at the bottom of the page to save.
- In Payment Gateway Settings, Enter Merchant ID into Login ID field
- Enter your Bambora account password (the one you use to login to your bambora account) into the Password field
- Save
- Test -- You should get a decline with a transaction ID.
Braintree | Braintree Support Home
Card Connect (CardPointe) | Card Connect Support Portal
Converge Home | Converge Support Portal
- Login ID Field: The Merchant ID.
- Password: PIN that is a long string of numbers and letters.
- May require the User Id under the Config String in this format: MyVirtualMerchantUserId=XXXXXX (Enter User Id in place of X's)
Cyber Source Home | Cyber Source Support Portal
NOTE: Our CyberSource integration does not include the "Decision Manager" feature, which is a fraud feature of CyberSource.
- Login ID Field: The merchant ID that CyberSource issues goes here.
- Password Field: Leave Blank
- Config String: Config string: SOAP API transaction key goes here. Make sure you have CYBERSOURCEKEY= before the api transaction key. To obtain the SOAP API transaction key browse to and login to the business center. Then go to Account Management, then to transaction security keys and choose the option for SOAP API.
eProcessing Home | eProcessing Support Portal
- White listing the server IP address is required.
- Put in your login ID
- Once you have a successful transaction through the gateway, note the IP address on the transaction details (you can check your Current Batch Report on the eProcessing site to find this).
- The IP address listed on the transaction will be that of your server. Simply add this IP address to the Allowed IP's section of the Processing Control page to adequately secure your integration with the eProcessingNetwork gateway. Home | Support Portal
goEmerchant Home | goEmerchant Support Portal
- White listing the server IP address is required.
- Contact goEmerchant support at with your transaction center ID and IP address(es) to have them whitelisted.
Merchant Anywhere | Merchant Anywhere Support Portal
Network Merchants | Network Merchants Support Portal
OGONE Home | OGONE Support Portal
Requires a HashSecret Config String.
This passphrase is defined in the Technical information page of your Ogone account, under the tab “Data and origin verification”, section “Checks for e-Commerce”.
Payeezy Home | Payeezy Support Portal
- Requires a HashSecret (or Hmac key ) Config String
- Requires a FDMSKeyId (or Terminal Key ID ) Config String
- These credentials must be obtained from Payeezy.
- Once obtained, enter both credentials into the config string field** in the following format: HashSecret=stringofnumbersandletters;FDMSKeyId=numbers
- Config string field is located in Settings > Payments and Taxes > Payment Gateways > Payeezy Gateway
PayJunction | PayJunction Support Portal
PayPal PayFlow Pro | PayFlow Pro Support Portal
PayTrace | PayTrace Support Contact
Planet iPay Payment Home | Planet iPay Support Portal
- The terminal id will need to be entered into the configuration string.
- If you're sending outside of the USA the currency code and currency indicator is also required.
- Example config string: CURRENCY_INDICATOR=0;CURRENCY_CODE=840;TERMINAL_ID=1528
- A list of currency codes can be found at ISO 4217
QuickBooks Home | Intuit Support Portal
Sage Payments Home | Sage Payments Support Portal
- Supporting PeachTree, DacEasy, MAS90 and MAS200
- Does not require white listing the server IP address.
- Login ID Field: The Merchant ID (MID) Sage issues (12 digits) goes here. The MID is a twelve-digit number that is identical to your Virtual Terminal ID.
- Password Field: The Merchant Key (MKEY) Sage issues (12 digits) goes here. The MKEY is twelve characters long and always alternates between capital letters and numbers -- for instance, A1B2C3D4E5F6.
USA ePay Home | USA ePay Support Portal This may also be referred to as Persolvent.
- Login ID: Source Key Provided by USA ePay
- Password: Leave Blank
Verisign | VeriSign Support Portal
Generic Payment Gateway Setup
Alternative Payments
PayPal Express Checkout | Paypal Express Support Portal
- Takes you to their site
- Specific documentation on this method outlined here.
Credit Based Gateways
Affirm Home | Affirm Support Portal
PayPal Credit Home | Paypal Credit Support Portal
International Options
Australia - Home | Support Portal
Canada - BeanStream Home | BeanStream Support Portal
Additional Links & Articles
Article: Accepting Credit Cards
Article: Payment Options Overview
Article: Set up a payment gateway to authorize only
Article: Troubleshooting Payment Gateways
Link: Payment Features
Legacy Options
ChasePaymenTech Orbital-Salem Home | ChasePaymenTech Orbital-Salem Support Portal
- This is a Legacy option and is no longer available for new clients.
- White listing the server IP address is required.
- Login ID Field: The merchant ID (MID) Paymentech issues (12 digits) goes here.
- Password Field: The password field maps to Paymentech's BIN. Always put 000002 in this field.