Customer reward points can be exported and imported just like products, orders, and customers. This article is a walk through on importing and exporting reward points. For more information on reward points, see Reward Points.
Exporting Reward Points
To export reward points, navigate to Tools > Data Export > Reward Points, and then click Export. Optionally, you can select or create a new column mapping. If you're unsure, just use Full Export - No Mapping. This will export all Reward Point columns.
Importing Reward Points
To import reward points, navigate to Tools > Data Import > Reward Points, then
- Insert or drag and drop a reward point CSV file [1], then click Next
- If prompted, start a new data map or chose an existing data map and map your columns to AmeriCommerce's, then click Next
- Click Import (optionally validate to check for errors before importing)
Below are the minimum, required columns for importing reward points:
- CustomerID
- PointsEarned
- PointsRemaining
[1] If you doing an import for the first time, its recommended that you first export rewards points and download the exported CSV and use this file as a template for creating your import CSV.
Field Definitions
- RewardPointsID - DB generated, unique ID number. Leave this column off to create new reward points.
- CustomerID - this ID of the customer to assign the points to.
- TransactionType - The type of transaction that caused the points to be rewarded to the customer
- ActiveOn - the date and time the points will be active to the customer
- ExpiredOn - the date and time the points export
- PointsEarned - Integer. The amount of points the customer earned from the transaction
- PointsRemaing - Integer. The amount of earned points the customer has yet to spend.
- Note - String. Optional notes about why the imports were rewarded
- OrderID - The ID of the order the rewards were earned on (if any)
- RewardPointsStatus - Active, Expiring, or Pending.
- DeleteRewardPoints - Put TRUE in this column to delete rewards points.