- Overview
- Enabling Rewards
- Redeeming Reward Points
- Managing Reward Points from the Admin
- Refunding Rewards Points
- Rewards Settings
- Rewards Related Merge Codes
- Reward Tiers
The Rewards Points feature in AmeriCommerce Online Stores gives store owners the ability to reward customers for their loyalty. Rewards points can be awarded to customers automatically when they place an order, write a product review, make a blog comment, refer a friend, like & share on social platforms such as facebook and twitter. Customers can then use the rewards points as a payment method at checkout (if you allow it).
Note:You can enable/disable customer types from earning rewards points.
For more details see: Customer Types
Enabling Rewards
Navigate to Settings > Marketing > Rewards, and check at least one of the following:
- Earn Points On Purchases
- Earn Points for Customer Registration
- Earn Points when Submitting a Review
- Earn Points when Commenting on a Blog Post
- Earn Points from Referring a Friend
- Earn Points from Liking on Facebook
- Earn Points from Sharing on Facebook
- Earn Points from Sharing on Twitter
- Earn Points from Pinning on Pinterest
If you would like to accept reward points as a payment method, be sure to check:
- Accept Points As Payment Method:
Redeeming Reward Points
When a store allows paying with points, that option will appear in the payment type drop down on the checkout page. Customers can apply these points to their purchase, and store owners set how much each point is worth.
Managing Reward Points From the Admin
In Customers> Edit Customer> More Actions> Manage Rewards Points, a customer's points can be added or removed. To remove points, simply enter a negative number, then click 'Save'. Any manual adjustments take immediate effect, they do not undergo any "pending" period.
Refunding Reward Points
Rewards points can be refunded back to a customer in the payment section on the Order Edit screen:
Rewards Settings
Settings > Marketing > Reward Points
Note: When using the store selector drop down, you need to click 'Save' after selection, or the settings view does not update to show the selected store!
- Earn Points On Purchases: If enabled, customers receive points based on the setting. This reflects only the subtotal spent (taxes and shipping amounts do not earn points). You can configure individual products to earn bonus points as well as regular points. This setting also controls if reward point text displays on the site.
- Accept Points As Payments: If enabled, customers can use points on orders for this store. Note that you can allow redemption of points without allowing earning of points on a specific store and vice versa.
- Turn Off Cost In Points In Shopping Cart Merge: This setting affects the ##SHOPCARTLINE## merge. When Accept Points As Payment Method is on, this merge will by default show the cost in points. By enabling this option, the cost in points will not show in the ##SHOPCARTLINE## merge.
- Points Earned Per Dollar Spent: Determines points earned for each dollar in the order subtotal. Note that this will round up to the nearest whole point value.
- Minimum Reward Points To Redeem: This setting controls the minimum amount of points that must be used on any order. For example, if this is 10, then a customer must use at least 10 points to redeem an order.
- Dollar Value Per Point Redeemed: This controls the dollar value of each point when redeeming. For example, if this is 0.25, then each point redeemed will be equal to $0.25. Note that points redeem in whole numbers, and round up to the nearest whole point value.
- Days Before Points Are Available: This setting determines how many days must elapse before earned points become active. Points earned by purchases are entered with a pending status. They cannot be redeemed until activated. This setting works in conjunction with the Order Status To Activate setting. If the order status is set, points will not become active until x days after the order. For example, you may set the status to "Shipped" and the days before available to 7. In this case, the points earned will become available 7 days after the order is set to a shipped status. This setting ensures points are not awarded before an order ships and potentially cancelled.
- Days Before Points Expire: Determines how long after points have become active that they remain valid. Set this to 0 to not have points expire.
- Frequency In Days to Send Expired Points Email: Allows store owners to send warning email templates of points that are about to expire. This works with the Days to Look Ahead and Frequency in Days to send Expired Points settings.
- Days To Look Ahead For Expiring Points: Tells the system how many days to look forward when sending point expiration emails. For example, if this were 7, the system starts looking ahead 7 days for any points that may be about to expire. If points will expire, it sends the template.
- Frequency In Days To Send Expired Points: Determines how many emails to send after the initial points expiring email. For example, if this is 2, it sends a followup email indicating points are about to expire every 2 days after the initial email. This draws customers back in to use their points and produce repeat business. The key merge code for this email is ##EXPIRINGREWARDPOINTS##
- Points Required Before Sending Activation Notification: The Points Required Before Sending Activation Notification, Frequency In Days To Send Active Points Email, and Active Points Email Notification Template are similar to the settings above, except that they control the active points notification email. The key merge code for this email is ##ACTIVEREWARDPOINTSSINCELASTEMAILNOTIFICATION##
Store Text & language: Content > Power Features > Store Text & L anguage
- Global_RewardPointsLabel_string - The actual name of "points" can be changed to whatever they want to call it, and all references will use this value. This could be "credits" or "cartycash" or whatever.
- ProductDetails_RewardPointsToPurchaseLabel_string - The text for the "cost in points" text on product details page
- ProductDetails_RewardPointsBonusPointsEarnedLabel_string - The text for the "bonus points earned" text on the product details page
Product level reward settings:
The following settings can be found in the General Tab when editing a product:
Earns Points: When enabled, this product will earn Reward Points towards the customer's account. Note: You will need to have reward points enabled in Settings > Marketing > Rewards.
Bonus Reward Points: Additional reward points that will be credited to the customer whenever this product is purchased. Additional points will be given for each item purchased, so if the customer purchases 5 of this product they will receive the additional points 5 times. These points will also be added in addition to the points earned based on price calculations setup in the reward settings section.
Disable Purchase by Reward Point: Disables Reward Points Payment On Checkout Page When This Item is in the Cart.
Rewards Related Merge Codes
MyAccount Page
Product Details Page
Shopping Cart
New Customer Level Merges:
Reward Tiers
The reward tiers feature is an optional enhancement to the AmeriCommerce reward points feature set. By using this feature, you can create multiple tiers or levels based upon how much your customers spend that give them increasing levels of benefits beyond the standard reward points. As such, you must be using reward points to take advantage of the reward tiers feature.
Each reward tier that you add has an associated qualifying total spend; to qualify for a particular rewards tier a customer must spend this amount or more within a designated time period. If a customer achieves a particular reward tier and then does not spend enough to sustain that tier, they will eventually be disqualified from their reward tier and will revert to either a lesser tier or no tier depending upon their total spend. Setup Instructions