Setting up RMAs:
Using RMAs:
- Submitting an RMA from the Admin Order Edit Screen
- Submitting an RMA from the Customer My Account Page
Step 1: Enable RMAs
To enable RMAs, go to Settings > Orders > General, and check Enable RMAs.
Step 2: Setup the view order page (order summary)
Navigate to Themes > Edit Theme > Order View > HTML Editor and replace the $$ITEMNUMBER$$ merge code with $$RMACHECKBOX$$ $$ITEMNUMBER$$ $$RMANUMBER$$. You'll need to do this in two locations:
Next, you'll need to copy and paste the following code to just below the </table> that corresponds to the <table class="ViewOrderTable table"> tag
<table class="RMATable" width="100%" border="0" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="0">
<tr class="RMAButton">
<td class="RMALinkButton" align="left">
Step 3: Create the RMA Order Statuses
Whenever an RMA is sumbitted, the order status will automatically be changed. We'll need to create the statuses to be used. To do so, navigate to Settings > Orders > Order Statuses. Click "New" to create a new status. Name the first one "Full RMA" and check the Fully Returned flag. You'll also need one for for Partial RMAs, so click new again, name the status "Partial RMA" and check the Partially Returned flag:
If only some of the items on the order were selected for the RMA, the order will be placed into the status that has the Partially Return Flag checked. If all the items on the order are selected for the RMA, the order status will be changed to the status that has Fully Returned flag checked. If you would like to have an email automatically sent out when an RMA is submitted, be sure to set an email template on the order statuses.
Check out the article here: Creating Email Templates
As well as What Merge Codes Are Available?
Submitting an RMA from the Admin Order Edit Screen
Navigate to Orders > Orders and edit the order for which you would like to submit an RMA. Scroll to the item(s) in the order items sections and check the box in the left hand corner of the product image. Then click the ‘Request RMA’ link in order to generate the RMA Number. The order item(s) will update with the RMA text box populated:
The order status will then auto set itself to the correct order status either Partial, or Full. Click save.
Submitting an RMA from the Customer My Account Page
Customers can submit an RMA by logging into the Customer My Account page (/store/myaccount.aspx), then navigating to Detailed Order History (/store/orderhistory.aspx). This page lists all the orders placed by the customer:
Clicking on the order number will bring the customer to the Order View page where an RMA can be submitted: