Reset Invalid Login Attempts if Password is reset
AnsweredWe keep having customers try their password incorrectly until the system locks them out (in our case 3 times in one hour), and then they go and use the Forgot My Password link, but after resetting their password they are still locked out because the system still shows 3 invalid login attempts in the last hour. I can login to the Admin interface and reset the invalid login count manually but it seems like if they have reset their password this should automatically happen.
Official comment
We've tested and when you have your store configured to lock customers out after a particular number of failed attempts, there is already a mechanism in place to reset the failed attempts when the customers reset their password themselves.
If you're finding that this is not the behavior you're seeing, please submit a support ticket, as what you are describing is the expected functionality, so there may be an issue or some other setting affecting this.
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