This widget is currently only available on the category page
This article will instruct you on how you can add a price filter to your site. This will allow users to choose a min and max price range that will filter products.
This article assumes that you have knowledge of widgets and how to add them. If needed please see our articles about widgets:
How It Works
When selecting a certain filter, products within that price range will be displayed. Customers can also enter a custom minimum and maximum price if they wish.
Defining Category Price Filters
You have full control over which filter ranges will display for each category. To edit price filters for a specific category navigate to Catalog -> Categories -> Edit Category
Scroll down to the 'Price Filters' section. Here you can edit the price filters for this category
If you do not define any price filters on a category, the price filter widget will look for price filters on the nearest parent category that has price filters defined. If none can still be found, only the custom min/max textbox will display on the price filter widget.
Example: Suppose we have a category called 'Couches' with 5 price filters defined. We have another child category underneath 'Couches' called 'Recliners' with no price filters defined. When navigating to the 'Recliners' category page, the price filter widget will show the filters defined on 'Couches'.
Valid Widget Locations
A common spot that you may want to place this widget would be on either the Left or Right column theme template layouts. As long as the widget is displayed on the Category page, it should work.
Merge Codes
Control level merges
$$HEADER$$ - The header text for the widget
Price filter level merges (within PriceFilter layout area)
$$FILTERHREF$$ - The filter link that when navigated to activates this filter
$$PRICEFILTERCHECKBOX$$ - The checkbox next to each filter