Storefront > Themes > Edit Theme > Pages > Widgets
Widgets are pre-built sections of the page which perform specific functions. Examples are the Search Box, Browse by Category, Browse by Manufacturer, Side Column Shopping Cart, Sale Products, and even Custom HTML.
Some controls are typically only used on the side columns, while others are used only on the home page. You can view a list of widgets available on each page type within the Themes area. Browse to Themes > Active Themes and select any page type (Home Page, Category Page, Manufacturer Page etc) and you can view a complete list of Widgets available for that page type.
How Widgets work
Below is a list of each widgets and a description of what each one does. Here are a couple of things to note about widgets:
- Certain widgets will need the left and right column layout in order to show. Some will not show if “Content Only” layout is selected.
- You will have to save the widget settings, then save the page of the theme. Always remember to save at both stages.
- Widgets allow for CSS modification as well. The “Enable Merge Code '' function allows the widget to be hidden and then placed anywhere on the store using a merge code. You can learn more about Custom Merge Codes through our Custom Merge Codes and How to Use Them article.
- Some widgets can only be used in certain areas of your theme, such as the homepage. Some controls are typically only used on the side columns, while others are used only on the home page. You can view a list of widgets available on each page type within the Themes area. Browse to Themes > Active Themes and select any page type (Home Page, Category Page, Manufacturer Page etc) and you can view a complete list of Widgets available for that page type.
List of Available Widgets
Attribute Drop Down Group
This widget displays a drop down navigation for a configurable list of attributes.
Attribute Group
Displays a list of specific attributes used for filtering products.
Attributes and their groups allow your customer to filter products in a category based on commonalities about your products. For example, if your store sells TVs, your customers can use attributes to filter by screen size - a common element seen on many websites.
Banner Ad
The Banner Ad widget displays a rotating banner ad composed of multiple images. The images can be set to display in any desired order.
The Banners for this widget are set up in: Marketing > Power Features > On-Site Banners
Blog Archive
An interface that allows users to drill down through blog posts by year & month.
Blog Drill-Down
An interface that allows users to drill down through blogs & their categories
Blog Roll
Use this widget to display blog posts for a specific blog on your site
Blog/RSS Feed Reader
The content from any RSS feed
Browse By Attribute
This widget displays an interface that allows users to navigate by attributes.
Browse By Category
This widget creates an interface that allows users to navigate by categories.
Browse By DropDown
An interface that allows users to navigate by manufacturer, product, or category.
Browse By Manufacturer
This widget displays an interface that allows users to navigate by manufacturers.
This widget displays a list of products of a particular type with thumbnails that can rotate horizontally or vertically. You can display a variety of product types ranging from featured items to product lists.
Category Filter
This widget displays a drop down list that allows a user to view all products for a given category. Note: the root category must be defined by the ‘Root Category ID’.
Category Quick List
This widget allows a quick listing of featured categories for navigation. This widget acts as a scaled down version of category navigation. It can be set to display specific categories or all if needed.
Custom HTML
Use this widget to add any custom HTML to your site, including external files. This widget is especially useful for adding content of functions to your site that cannot be achieved using existing widgets.
Custom Repeater
A navigation list of particular products or categories. You can learn more from our Custom Repeater Widget article.
Customer Login
An interface that allows customers to login to your site.
File Upload
This widget allows the user to upload a file. This is particularly useful for items that have customization elements, such as an item that customers can add pictures to. This widget is usually added to product details pages.
Full Category List
Displays links to all categories in your store in basic link format.
Image / Logo
Use this widget to display an image on your site that can easily be dragged and dropped. This image can also have a URL link assigned to it. Most commonly this link is directed to the home page.
Mailing List
Once added, this widget allows users to sign up for one of your mailing lists.
Note: If you enable the "Use Captcha" option, you need to add the $$RECAPTCHA$$ merge code to your layout for the captcha to appear
Menu Bar
You can use this widget to create a horizontal menu that displays the links for a particular menu on your store. This common navigation feature is considered an industry standard and is used in most site designs.
Menu List
The menu list widget is a vertical menu that displays the links for a particular menu on your store. It can be set to show any existing navigation that you have already created in basic link form. Unlike the menu widget, this menu will only display vertically.
MicroStore DropDown
The MicroStore DropDown widget adds essential navigation to your site that allows users to navigate to a particular microstore.
MicroStore Search Box
The MicroStore Search Box widget adds a search box that allows users to navigate to microstores by name.
Product Display
The Product Display Widget is designed to show a list of products that displays details, ratings, etc.
Question & Answer
This widget allows customers to ask questions and respond to questions that have been asked.
Quick Order Entry
This widget allows users to quickly add products to their shopping cart. It is useful for power shoppers who know the product numbers and want to add multiple quantities of each product all from one convenient spot.
This widget displays the reCAPTCHA form to cut down on spam. It is supported on the Register and OnePageCheckout pages.
Once you have been verified as being a real user the green checkmark will appear.
Search Box
Adding this widget to your site will allow users to search your site.
Side Column Shopping Cart
A smaller version of the shopping cart for the current user that can be placed in either the left or right columns. To add this widget to your theme, your default must have a left or right column.
The slideshow widget displays a series of slides that can contain images or custom HTML. It is frequently used on the home page for featured promotional items.
Tabs Control
Customized content displayed as a tab interface. This widget comes in handy for having a large amount of organized information simplified in terms of tabs.