Store Text is an additional capability added to the AmeriCommerce import/export feature. This is used to import new store text profiles or edit an existing profile which allows the user to quickly change the default language of their store. In other words, store owners with international based websites/multistores can now easily translate their store via import.
Note: This import changes the language of the text values found in Content > Power Features > Store Texts & Languages. This will not change theme text.
Premade Imports
Below are excel files of popular languages ready to be imported:
Store Text Import:
Navigate to Tools > Data Import > Store Text, and click select. You will then begin the import process.
On this screen, you will see an area labeled "Sample Import Files." Each of these links will start a download of a CSV file with examples on how to conduct the import. Alternatively, you can use one of the files listed in the beginning of this article.
Once your file is ready you can drag and drop it onto the screen or select the “Insert From” button. This will set your file for upload.
Once you have inserted your file, select Next in the top right corner of your screen. You will then be prompted to start a new data map or chose an existing one.
Data Mapping:
In step 3 you can map the columns from your data file to the corresponding columns in our system. You can create a new map and optionally save it for reuse on future imports. You can import as many or as few columns as you like, but some are required and will be noted as such when validating. Any column names that match will already be selected. Select Next in the top right corner to be brought to the validation/import page.
Use this page to validate and import your data file. Validation is optional, but can help you detect issues with your import file without causing any data to be changed. When validating, no data will be saved. When you are ready to import, click the Import button in the top right.
Background Jobs will now appear showing the progress of the upload.
Congratulations! You have imported a new Text Profile to your store.
Column Definitions:
LocalizationTextId | (number-no decimals) System generated unique identifier. Leave this blank for new store text entries. Include to update existing entries. |
LocalizationId | (number-no decimals) System generated unique identifier. This is the identifier of the associated store text profile. It is not needed if LocalizationTextId is used. |
Name | (text-key) The key of this store text entry. If specified, this must match a key defined by the system. You can see all available keys by exporting the default system store text profile. |
Value | (text-freeform) The value for this store text entry. This is what will be displayed on your website in locations that use this store text entry, if the associated store text profile is active on your site. |
LocalizationName | (text-freeform) The name of the store text profile associated with this entry. This can be an existing entry, or it can be the name of a new profile that will be created during the import. This is not needed when using LocalizationTextId or LocalizationId |
LocalizationLanguage | text-freeform) When LocalizationName is used to create a new store text profile from import, this field can optionally be used to specify the language field of that store text profile. |
LocalizationCulture | (text-culture) When LocalizationName is used to create a new store text profile from import, this field can optionally be used to specify the culture field of that store text profile. This must be a maximum of 5 chararacters and follow normal culture values such as en-US or en-UK, etc. |
DeleteStoreText | (true/false) Can be used to delete a store text entry |