- Overview
- Generate a Payment Link
- Send Payment Link in an Email
- Send Payment Link Automatically Using Email Template
An order payment link is a URL that brings customers to the checkout page to process a payment. When a customer navigates to the checkout page through the link, all checkout fields will be filled in with the information entered on the Admin Order Edit Screen. From there, the customer can input their payment information and place the order. Payment links can be generated manually on the Order Edit screen, and automatically using email templates.
Generate a Payment Link
To manually generate a payment link for an order:
- Navigate to Orders > Orders
- Edit an Order
- Click More Actions > Generate Payment Link:
- The page will reload and the link will be displayed at the top of the screen:
Send Payment Link in an Email
To make sending a payment link a breeze. Create a new email template
To manually email a Payment Link to a customer:
- Use the steps above to generate a payment link
- Copy the Payment Link
- In the left navigation menu, click Tools > Send Email
- Fill out email fields
- Paste payment link into email body
- Click Send:
Send Payment Link Automatically Using Email Template
An order payment link can be sent automatically when an order is put into a certain status. To set this up:
- Navigate to Settings > Orders > Order Statuses
- Edit the Order Status you would like to send the payment link, for example "Awaiting Payment".
- Click the cursor icon next to the Email Notification drop-down to edit an existing template or create a new template by clicking the list icon:
- Paste ##ORDERPAYMENTLINK## merge code into the template
- Save the email template
- Back on the Order Status edit screen, select the email template you just edited/created in the Email Notification drop-down.
- Save the order status: