- Enable "Require Login to See Pricing"
- Create Customer Types
- Create Rule in Rule Engine that sets Customer Type
By default, when a customer registers a customer account, they will be able to log in and see pricing right away. However, you may wish to approve customers before they are able to log in and see pricing. This functionality is especially important for B2B clients. This article will walk you through the process of setting up this functionality.
Step 1: Enable "Require Login to See Pricing"
To enable Require Login to See Pricing, navigate to Settings > Security > General and check Require Login for Pricing. You may wish to also set a Require Login for Pricing Action. DisplayLoginForPricingText will display text to the customer, in place of the price, prompting them to login.
Step 2: Create Customer Types
Navigate to Settings > People > Customer Types and click New to create a new customer type. Create a customer type for each different price level you would like to have. For example, lets say you would like to setup 3 different wholesale pricing levels: 10% off base price, 15% off base price, and 20% off base price. You would create three Wholesale customer types. The name of the customer type is up to you, but a good naming scheme would be: Wholesale10, Wholesale15, Wholesale20. Create one more customer type that will be used when a customer first signs up and needs approval. A good name for this customer type would be "Needs Approval". Be sure to un-check Can See Pricing and Disable Login for this customer type.
Step 3: Create Rule in Rule Engine that sets Customer Type
When a customer first registers, they will have no customer type. Customer types can be assigned to a customer manually by editing the customer account in the admin console. We can also use the rule engine to automatically assign a customer type to a customer the moment they register. To do so, go to Tools > Power Features > Rule Engine > Customer Events and click New to create a new rule.
- Give the rule a name and check Active
- Set Respond To to A new customer is created
- Click save, then
- Create a new condition and chose Default to True for Condition Type and click save.
- Create a new action and set Action Type to Set Customer Type
- and choose the Needs Approval customer type you created in the step above.
Now, when a customer registers, they will be assigned the "Needs Approval" customer type that can not see pricing or log in. The administrator of the site will be sent an email notifying a customer has registered, and then can log in to the store admin console and go to Customers > Edit Customer and set the to one of the Wholesale customer types created in Step 2.
For more information, see our other articles on Customers and Customer Types.