Note: AmeriCart now supports the full parameter list giving it much more power and flexibility than just Product Modifier tags. However, these tags still remain in use as a legacy feature. For more information on the parameters available, please read the Embedded Commerce Parameter List article.
AmeriCart supports many product modifiers, which allow you to add special functionality to your items. Modifiers must be coded into the Part Number field, which is the 2nd field of the item string. In the example below, the red text represents the item's modifier tags:
a-1358^=SF==TF=yourpartnumber^Your Description^9.99^1
List of Modifier Tags and Their Uses
List of Modifier Tags and Their Uses
Tag Name | Tag Description / Use |
=elec= | Designates an electronic delivery item |
=MX1= | Prevents more than 1 of an item from being purchased |
=SF= | Exempts an item from shipping |
=TF= | Exempts an item from taxes |
=DF= | Exempts an item from discounts |
=SHIPSEP= | Ships an item in a separate box |
=SS= | Substitutes a value (specified in field 6 of the item string) in place of the item's shipping charge |
=AS= | Adds a value (specified in field 6) to the item's shipping charge |
=NA= | Prevents shopper from removing the item without emptying the entire cart |
=CA= | Quantity adjustment control---removes the item when the shopper attempts to modify it's quantity |
=SFO= | Applies free shipping to the order |
=NSOF= | Prevents item from triggering the small order fee |
=DNSF= | Disqualifies item from free shipping (only works with sliding scale shipping methods) |
Coding Guidelines
- Modifiers can appear anywhere in the part number field---beginning, middle, or end.
- Modifier tags are case-sensitive.
- =SF= is OK, =sf= isn't
- =elec= is OK, =ELEC= isn't
- If a part number includes multiple product modifiers, each modifier tag must have its own set of equals signs.
- =SF==TF= is OK, =SF=TF= isn’t.
- When included in a GET request, URL-encode the equals signs for each tag (e.g. =SFO= becomes %3DSFO%3D).