Using the remote carting function, there is a wealth of information you can pass to Americommerce AmeriCommerce Online Stores or AmeriCart to manipulate and customize your selling experience. This article contains a list of all the pieces of information Americommerce AmeriCommerce Online Stores and AmeriCart accept when using remote carting along with a description of what the field does, what type of information is expected to be passed, as well as any synonymous paramters that can be used. AmeriCart's previously supported flags are still available for AmeriCart customers. For more information on these, view the KnowledgeCenter Article on AmeriCart flags. Below is a diagram explaining all the pieces of the information provided for each parameter.
Item ID - itemid (int)
Description: When this is specified, the store attempts to lookup an existing product. If one is not found, a phantom item ith this id is created.
Synonyms: None
Item Name - itemname (string)
Description: Sets the name of the item in the cart.
Synonyms: product, product[]
Quantity - qty (int)
Description: Defines the quantity of the specified item to add to the cart.
Synonyms: quantity
Item URL - itemurl (string)
Description: Specifies the url to return the user to when clicking on the item in the cart on your Americommerce AmeriCommerce Online Stores /AmeriCart site.
Synonyms: None
Item Number - itemnr (string)
Description: Defines the item number of the item. If no item id is provided, this field will be used as a lookup to find an existing item. If no item is found, a phantom item with this item number is created.
Synonyms: itemnbr
Price - price (decimal)
Description: Sets the price of the item per unit. For example, an item with a price of $5 and quantity of 3 would charge the customer $15.
Synonyms: productpr*
*The productpr field combines the price with other information - {info}:{price}.
Image URL - imageurl (string)
Description: Defines the url of the image for the item in the cart.
Synonyms: None
No Tax - notax (bool)
Description: Specifies whether or not to charge tax for the item.
Synonyms: None
Legacy: The legacy AmeriCart equivalent of this tag is =TF=. For more information on the legacy flags, view the KnowledgeCenter Article on Product Modifier Tags.
Weight - weight (decimal)
Description: Sets the weight of the item. Mostly used for shipping charge calculations.
Synonyms: None
Is Hidden - hidden (bool)
Description: Specifies whether the item is hidden. Default is false.
Synonyms: None
Item Type - itemtype (string)
Description: This field is used to specify the type of item being passed. Supported values include:
- Normal
- Discount
- DiscountFlat
- DiscountChange
- Info
- Shipping
- Tax
- Error
This is most ofton used in conjunction with the SpecialItemData field.
Synonyms: None
Special Item Data - specialitemdata (string)
Description: The information that should be passed in this field is determined by the Product Type field. The following is a list of available values for the Item Type field. Based on which one is used, the Special Item Data field should contain different information. The information to use is as follows:
- Normal - Leave the field blank. If anything is specified, it will not be used.
- Discount - Applies a percentage discount to the order. SpecialItemData in this case will be the percentage amount to subtract from the order. Must be a whole number, 50 for a 50% discount, etc. If this is used, the item description will be displayed as the name of the discount.
- DiscountFlat - Applies a flat dollar amount discount to the order. SpecialItemData in this case will be the dollar amount to subtract from the order total, so 50 for $50 dollars, 24.75, etc. If this is used, the item description will be displayed as the name of the discount.
- DiscountChange - allows you to actually specify embedded quantity discounts (also known as quantity break pricing) for a cart item. In this case, the SpecialItemData contains the formula for the quantity breaks. This also differs slightly in that this item type is applied to actual cart items. So, instead of adding a separate cart item, this should be used to flag an actual cart item as the DiscountChange type if you want to embed quantity discounts.
- Info - This is an arbitrary message displayed only on the Order Edit or Order View screen.
- Shipping - Allows you to specify a formula that overrides the normal shipping calculating for this cart. In this case SpecialItemData contains the formula. The Description of the item will be the name of the method.
- Tax - Specify a tax override for the cart. For example, pass .07 will charge 7% tax on the order.
- Error - This is used to display an error to the customer. It is displayed as error text to the customer during the checkout process.
Synonyms: None
Legacy: The legacy AmeriCart equivalent of this tag is =AS=. For more information on the legacy flags, view the KnowledgeCenter Article on Product Modifier Tags.
Personalize - personalize (string)
Description: Pipe delimited personalization option list. More limited than
.Synonyms: personalization
Personalization - personalization (string)
Description: Pipe delimited personalization option list in the same order as the pre-defined product personalizations.
Synonyms: personalize
Non Shipping Item - nonshippingitem (bool)
Description: Specifies whether an item is shipping or not. If false, it will not be used for shipping charge calculations.
Synonyms: None
Admin Comments - admincomments (string)
Description: The information in this field will appear on the order as a private comment about the item. Can be used for notes on the item.
Synonyms: None
Mfg Item Number - mfgitemnr (string)
Description: Sets the manufacturer's item number. Useful when drop-shipping and with warehouse emails.
Synonyms: manufactureritemnr, manufactureritemnumber
<input name="mfgitemnr" type="hidden" value="Test-002" />
Warehouse ID - warehouseid (int)
Description: Specifies which wharehouse the item is coming from. The is used to determine the "ships from" address in the shipping charge calculation. It is also the warehouse that gets the warehouse notifications email, if enabled.
Synonyms: None
Variant ID - variantid (int)
Description: Pipe delimited variant id list. Variants in this list will be selected for the product.
Synonyms: None
Variant - variant (string)
Description: Pipe delimited variant name list (these values must match the labels of the variants if using an existing product). Variants in this list will be selected for the product.
Synonyms: None
Remove Cart ID - removecartid (int)
Description: Removes particular items from the cart by cart item ID, pipe delimited.
Synonyms: None
Child Items In Personalize - childitemsinpersonalize (bool)
Description: Turns on dynamic (custom) kitting.
Synonyms: None
Cart ID - cartid (int)
Description: Used for dynamic kitting to update an existing cart row.
Synonyms: None
Child items - childitems (string)
Description: Pipe delimited special format field - {id}_{qty} used by dynamic kitting to set child items.
Synonyms: None
Return URL - return (string)
Description: URL to return to, unless overridden by the item URL.
Synonyms: None
SSL - ssl (bool)
Description: Enables SSL for AddToCart.aspx.
Synonyms: None
Description - desc (string)
Description: Sets the item description in the cart.
Synonyms: description
Max Quantity - maxqty (int)
Description: Sets the maximum quantity for this item.
Synonyms: None
Legacy: The legacy AmeriCart equivalent of this tag is =MX1=. For more information on the legacy flags, view the KnowledgeCenter Article on Product Modifier Tags.
Insurance Cost - insurance (decimal)
Description: Adds an additional insurance cost to the item, if specified.
Synonyms: None
Unit of Measure - unit (string)
Description: Sets the unit of measure. For example, "lbs" or "kgs".
Synonyms: None
No Shipping Charges - itemshipsfree (bool)
Description: Specifies that this item ships for free.
Synonyms: None
Legacy: The legacy AmeriCart equivalent of this tag is =SF=. For more information on the legacy flags, view the KnowledgeCenter Article on Product Modifier Tags.
Is In Package Deal - pkgdeal (bool)
Description: Item cannot be removed from the cart unless the cart is cleared.
Synonyms: None
Legacy: The legacy AmeriCart equivalent of this tag is =NA=. For more information on the legacy flags, view the KnowledgeCenter Article on Product Modifier Tags.
Remove If Quantity Modified - lockqty (bool)
Description: Removes the item from the cart if the quantity is changed.
Synonyms: None
Legacy: The legacy AmeriCart equivalent of this tag is =CA=. For more information on the legacy flags, view the KnowledgeCenter Article on Product Modifier Tags.
Order Ships for Free - ordershipsfree (bool)
Description: Specifies that the order ships for free.
Synonyms: None
Legacy: The legacy AmeriCart equivalent of this tag is =SFO=. For more information on the legacy flags, view the KnowledgeCenter Article on Product Modifier Tags.
Exempt From Min Order Amount - minorderexempt (bool)
Description: Them item is not taken in consideration when calculating the minimum order amount.
Synonyms: None
Legacy: The legacy AmeriCart equivalent of this tag is =NSOF=. For more information on the legacy flags, view the KnowledgeCenter Article on Product Modifier Tags.
Force Shipping Charges - forceshipping (bool)
Description: Forces shipping charges on the item.
Synonyms: None
Legacy: The legacy AmeriCart equivalent of this tag is =DNSF=. For more information on the legacy flags, view the KnowledgeCenter Article on Product Modifier Tags.
Use Override Qty - useqtyoverride (bool)
Description: If true, the value provided in the qtyoverride parameter will be used. If false, it will not regardless of whether it is set or not.
Synonyms: None
Quantity Override - qtyoverride (bool)
Description: Specifies the quantity override (op99 from AmeriCart) for the item. This is used to disallow customers from changing the quantity of an item. Pricing and shipping will be calculated based on this value if the useqtyoverride parameter is passed as true.
Synonyms: None
Do Not Discount - nodiscount (bool)
Description: Flags the item as ineligible for discounts.
Synonyms: None
Legacy: The legacy AmeriCart equivalent of this tag is =DF=. For more information on the legacy flags, view the KnowledgeCenter Article on Product Modifier Tags.
Own Box - ownbox (bool)
Description: Specifies that the item ships separately.
Synonyms: None
Legacy: The legacy AmeriCart equivalent of this tag is =SHIPSEP=. For more information on the legacy flags, view the KnowledgeCenter Article on Product Modifier Tags.
Shipping Override - shippingoverride (decimal)
Description: Overrides the shipping price for the order when this item is in the cart.
Synonyms: None
Legacy: The legacy AmeriCart equivalent of this tag is =SS=. For more information on the legacy flags, view the KnowledgeCenter Article on Product Modifier Tags.
Append to Descriptions - appendtodesc (string)
Description: Appends text to all descriptions, op98 from AmeriCart.
Synonyms: None
Clear Cart - clear (bool)
Description: Clears the cart before performing any additional operations.
Synonyms: killcart
Continue Shopping URL - continueshopping (string)
Description: Overrides the URL that the cart's "Continue Shopping" redirects the user to.
Synonyms: None
Go to Checkout - checkout (bool)
Description: Takes the customer immediately to the checkout page after adding to cart. (e.g. checkout=true)
Synonyms: None
Guest Checkout - guest (string)
Description: This makes the checkout a guest checkout (e.g. guest=1)
Synonyms: None
ForceChargeCard - forcecardcharge (string)
Description: When an item is added to cart using remote carting and the ForceChargeCard parameter is set to true (e.g. forcechargecard=1), then the subsequent checkout transaction will charge the shoppers credit card even if the gateway is configured to authorize only. This only persists until the next add to cart request, so if another item is added to cart and forcechargecard is not explicitly set, it will revert to the normal configured gateway behavior.
Synonyms: None