storefront software allows you to run Multiple Storefronts from one administration console. This greatly reduces the amount of time spent to maintain inventory, process orders, and analyze performance.
How does it work?
Each Store has it's own web site and FTP directory. When a customer visits one of your Stores, looks at the Domain Name used to access the site (ex: It then displays information based on the settings you supply in the administration console.
Can I share files between the stores?
Absolutely! Though each store has it's own root directory, each of your sites have a common Shared directory. By uploading files into this Shared directory, they immediately become available on all your stores through the /Shared path.
Using this Shared folder is extremely handy when maintaining your product catalog. All your product photos and spec sheets should be placed in sub-folders under the Shared directory. This way, when you tell the Product Editor where to find the photos, all stores will reference the same photo. This means you will have only one place to update your photos, and you will use less storage space on the server.
Can each store show only a sub-set of the product catalog?
Yes, the Catalog Editor contains all your product information. Each store has an Active Catalog. It lets you specify specific categories for your store, or all categories if needed.
To hide certain products within a category specified in a stores' Active Catalog, check the Hide option on the Stores Tab of the Product Editor.
Can each store have it's own pricing?
Yes, this is managed under the Pricing Tab of the Product Editor.
Do I need a separate SSL Certificate for every store?
In order to have a secure connection to your store, you will need an SSL for each multi-store.
The easiest way to set this up is to choose the Auto SSL, provided by AmeriCommerce.
It provides a secure, domain vailidated SSL for your store so you can be sure all traffic is protected.
You can choose and activate this, during the Go-Live process for your store.
If you would like to use an SSL Certificate purchased elsewhere for your domain name, you can select this option from the stores Domain Control area.