This article will instruct you on how you can add a review rating filter to your site. This will allow users to filter products by their average review ratings.
This article assumes that you have knowledge of widgets and how to add them. If needed please see our articles about widgets:
How It Works
When selecting a certain rating, products with AT LEAST that rating will be displayed. In other words, if you select '3 star & Up' only products with an average rating of 3 stars or higher will be shown. Here is the default styling for a selected rating on the widget:
If you select the same option again, filtering will be removed.
Valid Widget Locations
A common spot that you may want to place this widget would be on either the Left or Right column theme template layouts. As long as the widget is displayed on Category, Manufacturer, or Search pages, it should work.
Widget Settings
You will see the following settings when editing the widget:
Max Rating: The maximum rating value displayed on the widget
Min Rating: The minimum rating value displayed on the widget
This widget uses your theme's Rating On/Off image settings for the rating display. By default it uses the star images as seen above if you haven't set them before.
When you have a specific rating option selected, it will be contained with a <div> that has the CSS class 'BrowseByRating-selected'. This can be used to add special styling for the currently selected rating option.
Merge Codes
Control level merges
$$HEADER$$ - The header text for the widget
Rating item level merges (within Item layout area)
$$RATINGSTARS$$ - The rating level display
$$RATINGHREF$$ - The generated filter link for each rating selection
$$RATINGCHECKBOX$$ - (Optional) if you wish to display a checkbox on the widget. Note: To make this work, you will probably want to wrap both the filter link and this checkbox within the same <label> tag.