More options for grouped products
I know dealing with product groups/kits gets complicated really fast, but we have come across several scenarios with grouped products that do not seem to be supported currently that would help improve groups for us:
- Have the option for the price of the product group/kit be based upon the normal price of the parts in the group.
For example, we generally discount our product group/kit by 5% off the sum of the prices of the required parts in the product group/kit. Currently we have to manually modify the price of every kit an item is in every time the price of that item increases. If we could set it up so the product groups used the prices of the required parts in the group at a discount (like they do for qoh), then all of those prices would auto update every time we did a price update on the kit/grouped parts.
- When the parent is info only, we would like the option to still show the required parts even when the qty is tied to the parent, i.e. show what parts make up the product group with the Qty box greyed out. Currently required parts are hidden, only optional items show on the product details pages.
- Option to hide the images of optional addons from the main image viewer on the product details page. We have repeatedly had customers think that optional items were included because they show in the image viewer, even though we say below the image viewer some items shown may be optional addons.
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