2021.1 Release 1 & 2
New Features 🤩
- PayPal Pay In 4 – Super valuable for merchants using PayPal Checkout and rushed into all online stores just before holidays. Available in the US and offers users to pay in 4 installments without any risk to the seller. Learn how to use it on your online store.
- You can now tie product display widget to product page add to cart button – It’s very cool – check it out under add to cart
- Order Tracking lookup (while not signed in) - New feature where you can look up order details on the front end your site without being logged in. Great for customers to check on order tracking details if they don't create accounts or for customer service reps needing a quick lookup. See it here by using order 100006 and jcravy@americommerce.com as the email
- We now show drip series on customer edit panel making it easier to add/remove customers
- New ability to select multiple Order Statuses on an Order Export
- Filter orders by Salesperson (column filter and advanced search)
- We now have the ability to use variant inventory for Child Items in Product Groups
- Subscribe and Save! Cool new feature that allows you to showcase cost savings by subscribing to product vs one time purchase. This adds a subscription option to product's advanced price and adds a store text to replace the [---select---] in the subscription dropdown for buy once/non renew option. How-to article coming soon!
Feature Improvements 🚀
- BASE theme now runs on Bootstrap v4
- "What's New?" now opens on sign in when there are unread notifications
- Improved messaging on login page when password is expired
- Embed Tools now automatically generate https instead of http links
Bug Fixes 🐛
- Fixed issue where Shipstation setting fields showing empty after saving
- Fixed issue where Store Specific sort order not shown on import/export
- Fixed issue where carts were dropping items unexpectedly
- Fixed issue where Discount Email merge codes weren't working in emails
"BASE theme now runs on Bootstrap v4"
"We now have the ability to use variant inventory for Child Items in Product Groups"
"You can now tie product display widget to product page add to cart button"
"Fixed issue where Discount Email merge codes weren't working in emails" <- Does this fix the conditional logic?
Must be reading my mind.
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