Status Update: Store email delivery issues, November 2nd, 2020
11:50AM Central - We are aware of an email deliverability issue within our Sendgrid account effecting several online stores. This may effect Order confirmation emails, Admin User verification codes, and other emails related to your online store. We have reached out to Sendgrid and are working diligently to restore email deliverability as soon as possible.
5:00PM Central - We have updated all sites and conducted changes which are showing increased deliverability. We will continue to monitor the situation as we await confirmation from a third party in regards to the blocked IP.
November 3rd, 10:00AM Central: We are seeing a delivery rate of 97% for the day so far, indicating that the deliverability rate has drastically improved from the changes implemented yesterday. We will continue to monitor the situation as we await confirmation from a third party in regards to the blocked IP.
You can click the “follow” link above this post to be notified when a change or update of the issue has been made. You can also follow our status page if you would like to be informed of any disruptions in the future. We hate service disruptions as much as you do which is why our data center works 24/7/365 to help prevent and fix issues exactly like this. Thank you for your patience while we work through it.
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