Email merge code for "order agent"
I'm doing work for a customer that creates a fair number of quotes for customers, as well as admin-generated call-in orders, etc. We've created an email template that dynamically changes the contact information listed in the quote email (and subsequent emails), using ##PROFILEREALNAME##, ##PROFILEEMAIL##, etc. This works well if the person who sends the quote is the same person who set it up, but the profile merge codes actually only pull in the logged-in person who is actually sending the quote.
For this customer as well as others who use back-end orders frequently, I thought it might be cool to have a set of email merge codes that pull in the profile details of the "agent" who writes up the quote - this could be used to offer deeper personalization to the emails that are sent out, ensure that the customer receives the contact information specifically for the agent who helped them, etc.
Just food for thought!
Maybe I am misunderstanding your request, but isn't that what the sales person merges are for?
Whoever creates the quote gets automatically assigned as the sales person and their merges stay with that quote if/when it is turned into an order.
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When we create quotes the sales person is not automatically assigned. Do you do that via the rule engine?
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As far as I know we have not modified any settings in regards to creating quotes. Whenever we go into Quotes > New or Orders > New it automatically fills the logged in person's name into the Sales Person field and we can't even change the sales person. Here is a screenshot of what I get simply by going to Orders > Quotes > New:
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Interesting; it definitely does not do that for us. I wonder what setting you and I have different. I'll hit up support and try to find out.
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I double checked the rules engine and there was nothing there related to sales person, and scanned though the other settings that I thought may have been relevant and can't find any setting that seems like it should affect this. It will be interesting to see what Support has to say.
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They told me it is a new feature that my version doesn't have yet.
"Your store would need to be updated. It's a brand new feature. The sales person is only uneditable if the user doesn't have the permissions."
If you want to make the salesperson editable (as I told them that I would want to) you will need to adjust permissions on your operator account to allow that.
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Interesting, that has been in the version we are using for some time, can't say when exactly it showed up.
I did notice when I was looking through settings that there is a setting in user roles/groups to allow editing the sales person for an order:
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Great Job Americommerce! Mark this feature request as solved ;)
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Surprise! New feature :)
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The ##SALESPERSONUSERNAME## merge code references 1 of the 2 Sales Person fields in the admin; the "customer" sales person, not the "order" sales person.
Is there a unique merge code for the "order" sales person that can be used as that is the one that is automatically populated when an agent creates a new quote/order?
Additionally, it would be good to have an option to auto assign the "order" sales person to the "customer" if there is no customer sales person assigned.
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that works, thanks!
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