Status update: Cloudflare outage July 2nd, 2019
We are aware of an issue reported for Cloudflare causing sites to be intermittently down.
Jul 2, 13:52 UTC Cloudflare is observing network performance issues. Customers may be experiencing 502 errors while accessing sites on Cloudflare.
They have a status page available here where you can subscribe to the incident:
Jul 2, 14:15 UTC - Cloudflare has implemented a fix for this issue and is currently monitoring the results.
Resolved - Cloudflare has resolved the issue and services have resumed normal operation.
Jul 2, 14:57 UTC
Jul 2, 14:57 UTC
Major outage impacted all Cloudflare services globally. We saw a massive spike in CPU that caused primary and secondary systems to fall over. We shut down the process that was causing the CPU spike. Service restored to normal within ~30 minutes. We’re now investigating the root cause of what happened.
Jul 2, 14:50 UTC
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