One Page Checkout Enhancements




  • Brian Gluck

    Do you have an example of a OPC that you really like and want Americommerce to emulate?

  • John Robson


    Checkout doesn't mean we want our customers to check out of our website! 

    Brian, literally every single website I have shopped at online has a better checkout experience, this is because other ecommerce companies are improving their checkout while Americommerce has done absolutely nothing to improve theirs. I am shocked that they have failed to make their checkout experience better.

    While most OPC examples are better than Americommerce's, I wouldn't want Americommerce to emulate them in a way that imitates them, but rather having a greater understanding of what Americommerce's clients customers are used to since they are the ones that we're hoping will make the complicated journey from visiting to checking out.

    Customers today are internet savvy, they are used to a better checkout experience because most other ecommerce companies are constantly evolving their checkout. All the while, Americommerce has for the longest time completely ignored this page. The problem that cannot be ignored is the significant rise in tablet & mobile visitors that hate checking out on OPC's that are long & buggy.

    1) Simple - i've noticed many checkouts, such as Shopify that have really simplified the checkout process in many ways. One example of this is making customer errors from checking out that prevent them from checking out easier for customers to notice and fix on their own. The perfect example of this happened today, we had a customer that was checking out and knew we offered free shipping for the item she ordered, but she did not notice the discount right away on the checkout page so she contacted us about it. She saw the Shipping drop down that shows the shipping cost, but not the Free Shipping discount on the right. We have had many customers contact us for simple errors like this that could easily be avoided by a better and simpler checkout experience.

    2) Long - The OPC is way too long compared to other OPC, this is terrible for mobile & tablet users. I have to scroll 3 folds to get to the bottom to click "place order" whereas on shopify, the customer does not have to scroll at all on the checkout page. Scrolling while trying to type-in fields is not easy on mobile.

    3) Fields - the fields that customers type all their info into are the absolute worst compared to other OPC's. The fields on Shopify & Bigcommerce are much better, making a smoother & easier checkout experience for the customer. While I am definitely not a fan of Shopify, but I have found their OPC to be one of the best checkout experiences, but then again, they have invested lots of time doing R&D while Americommerce has not given the most important page the time of day. So you have other ecommerce co. innovating their checkouts while Americommerce is innovating their admin login page. Another good example is Paypal as they have a quick & easy checkout.

    4) When you have clients that have to completely overhaul the checkout to give their customers a good experience, you know the checkout is seriously lacking or better failing to meet the needs of your clients. Especially when those clients work for Americommerce, There probably not a very good example site for most your customers considering they had to completely overhaul their whole checkout experience which is not something that most store owners should have to concern themselves with, it's something ecommerce software companies should be concerned with so this is not an example you should be especially proud of. I have noticed many of your example stores have had to concern themselves with this which is not surprising at all. Another example is You don't see people signing up for Square, Shopify, Bigcommerce, etc. and having to completely overhaul the checkout so it's actually relevant to this decade because this checkout worked last decade, but it's a terrible user experience today. Then they have listed on their Examples page and they have a Shopify checkout which means they left Americommerce possibly because of the better checkout experience and their a local co. in the same town as Americommerce, so they are literally advertising their competitors checkout on their Examples page:

    5) One basic feature today is a dynamic Order Invoice where customers can click their order receipt email to see the current status of their order including shipping & tracking info, all without logging in. This is like a must have feature if you have Guest Checkout, otherwise you just make it harder on them, not easier, because instead of just clicking to see the current status of their order, they would need to contact us.

    Most importantly, instead of ignoring the checkout completely, Americommerce should have a team dedicate so much time every month to discussing especially with clients, implementing, and significantly improving the checkout. Since we're stuck with the horse & "Buggy" now while others are driving cars, so the entire checkout experience needs some serious attention as soon as possible! Americommerce clients ARE losing money because of such a terrible checkout experience and if they have to completely overhaul their checkouts just to provide a good experience, then their losing more time & money.

    Does anyone think Americommerce's Checkout experience should win any awards or what do you think could be improved? Everyones support & input is greatly appreciated as this is a major issue affecting all Americommerce store owners!


  • John Robson

    Americommerce is the ONLY ecommerce co. I know that when an order is declined, they direct the customer to the Order Confirmation page, just like if the order was successful, making it so they think their order went thru.

    This is like a customer shopping in a B&M store and they get to the checkout and their card gets declined and instead of them getting another chance to pay, Americommerce kicks them to the back of the line to wait to order again. IMAGINE HOW ANGRY THIS WOULD MAKE YOU? This is literally what it is like checking out on Americommerce in 2018!

    Then you have a top voted feature with nearly 100 votes that has been around for many years that Americommerce just seems to ignore, like they could just careless about improving their checkout experience. This feature mainly focuses on the Admin side which is also a terrible experience, creating an order for declined orders, is just so bad, but it's much worse for the customer who thinks they actually successfully ordered. Believe me, we have gotten lots of calls about this over the years:


    THIS IS AN ABSOLUTE NIGHTMARE SITUATION, that just adds to the already terrible checkout experience, but Americommerce is silent and apparently couldn't care less how damaging their DISASTER of a checkout experience is to their clients.

    This is why when it comes to the checkout, they do nothing, say nothing, and when I open a ticket about it, they close it without even a reply because they know how bad it is, but their not willing to do anything about it or even talk about it, instead they ignore it, while their clients suffer with a terrible checkout experience.

    The good news is Americommerce has overhauled the Admin Login page over and over again!

    crickets....maybe this book will help:


  • Shaun Farol

    I agree with the above sentiments that the Checkout page needs more resources and another development pass. It is the single most important page in e-commerce and its sad to see that it hasn't had any iteration over the last couple years. 

    As for specific feedback for AmeriCommerce developers:

    • The Current Checkout Page is Too Long
      Too much important information is "below the fold" the page requires a lot of scrolling and is a nightmare to use on mobile devices and tablets. I think lessons can be learned from how BigCommerce handles checkout (I hate how Shopify does theres, so contrary to other suggestions, please don't copy them) it has 1 page checkout, but groups the forms by topic, with major headings "Customer" "Shipping" "Billing" "Payment" which you 'step' through with forward and back buttons. Everything stays a above the fold.
    • The Current Checkout Page Doesn't Give Enough Feedback
      Between order status, billing failures, or data fields entered wrong, the current checkout page does not communicate well to customers if an order throws an exception and if it was successful or not, often redirecting customers to an order success page, even if there was a billing failure. Likewise the SmartyStreets implementation is VERY poor, again not giving proper feedback to users if something goes wrong and not verifying until the user hits submit.
    • The Current Checkout Page Needs to Be More Cart Aware
      The sidebar on the checkout page is very underutilized, the customer shouldn't have to back out of the checkout process to verify their cart. I would like the new checkout page to better utilize the right sidebar with a more detailed order summary of what is in the cart. not just the Subtotals.
    • The Current Checkout Page Needs a Separate Confirmation Step
      Going along I think with the cart awareness aspect I am of the mind that even after checkout is completed there needs to be a separate, final review of the order before checkout, this page can also be used to give better feedback to customers if there was any problems. Every other cart has this page and its troubling for consumers that AmeriCommerce doesn't have this as an option.
    • The Current Cart & Checkout Needs More Upsell Opportunities
      The cart management before checkout is a very important page for sales, its your last chance to convince your users to get more items before they checkout. I am saddened that there isn't a smarter "related items" or "customers commonly bought with" art-aware widget based to do one final upsell before checkout.
  • Brian Gluck

    Ok, I must be missing something here. Since no one provided an example of an actual store; just other ecommerce platforms, I went to Shopify's website and chose the first store on their examples page; "" from both my desktop and mobile.

    When I got to the checkout, it was not a one page checkout, it was a multi page checkout on both desktop and mobile.

    I then went to the second site on their examples page "", same thing. It was not a one page checkout.

    Then I went to Bigcommerce's site to look for example stores and went to their first example ""

    That was a one page checkout, where the various sections were collapsed until the previous section was complete and a "continue" button was clicked in order to expand the next section.

    This site's OPC was actually much longer than my site's OPC ( on Americommerce), required more clicking and more scrolling.

    I then jumped over to TexasBeardCo who is on Americommerce and was referenced in the comments above. Their OPC is customized beyond the stock settings that come with the theme and frankly, I thought it was better than both the Shopify and Bigcommerce examples; I may have to borrow from them and update my own OPC a little bit. (I would also venture to bet that you could hire their developer to customize your OPC as well if you contact the site owners)

    While I agree that there are many areas of Americommerce that can use improvement, I also think that they provide an unparalleled value for the functionality that you receive for the money. 

    Have you guys tried to customize the OPC yourselves or contacted Americommerce to address any of your specific issues? I've been able to call out specific discounts and promos on my sites cart page by using conditional merge codes and custom html. If you agree with me that Texas Beard Co has a much nicer OPC, then you know it is possible to achieve yourself (or through AC or with an outside developer) with some custom html.

    I also agree with several of the points you have made and functionalities that you would like to see as well as the fact the the OPC (and other areas) could user some more general updating:

    - Dynamic Order Invoice - track order status without logging in

    - Better feedback - declined/error orders should be able to be addressed on existing checkout page instead of creating a new order.

    I'd still love to see some actual Shopify or Bigcommerce examples with One Page Checkout's that you all feel are superior to Americommerce's stock as well as Texas Beard Co's customized version.


    ** I do not work for Americommerce. I am an Americommerce customer and have been so for well over 10 years. I have started, ran several companies (and now own one) that use Americommerce as a platform and have run tens of millions of dollars through my Americommerce stores. I have certainly had my share of frustrations and have considered looking to other platforms at various times. Despite all of the shortcomings that Americommerce may have and features that may be lacking that I really want, I have yet to come across a platform that grants the same level of versatility, customization, integration possibilities and most importantly, value for my dollar than Americommerce.

    I think this type of discussion is beneficial for the folks at AC to see and will hopefully help drive further developments and enhancements of their platform. I also think it is most beneficial to be very specific in what you are looking for (as opposed to "too long", "too much scrolling") and cite specific examples of websites so that AC and others reading this thread have something that they can refer to.



  • John Robson


    Thanks for sharing your input!


    Brian, in response to your message:

    1) I may have to borrow from them and update my own OPC a little bit. (I would also venture to bet that you could hire their developer to customize your OPC as well if you contact the site owners)

    You seem to be missing the point while pointing it out at the same time. So instead of Americommerce, an ecommerce co, improving their Checkout page, your saying that every Americommerce client should be responsible for improving their stores Checkout page. As an ecommerce software co., the one page they should be responsible for on the front end is the OPC. Clearly they are not, which is why most their clients are so far behind the curve, except for the ones that have spent thousands completely overhauling their checkouts. Notice the votes already on this feature request in such a short time, more than any other. Americommerce clients already have to concern themselves with every other page of their website. If we or any Americommerce client wanted to concern ourselves with completely overhauling the checkout experience, then they wouldn't have chosen a hosted cart, but rather put tens of thousands into their own ecommerce software like Hayneedle or worked with a company like Magento.


    2) I went to Shopify's website and chose the first store on their examples page; "" from both my desktop and mobile. When I got to the checkout, it was not a one page checkout, it was a multi page checkout on both desktop and mobile. I then went to the second site on their examples page "", same thing. It was not a one page checkout.

    Yes, I believe Shopify is a One Page Checkout, they just have different frames for each step of the checkout process, the actual page does not change. However, many Shopify sites use an actual OPC like this:   which is not surprisingly is VERY SIMILAR to's checkout. Shopify's checkout is a better example of a OPC than Americommerce's because if you have to scroll 3 folds to get to "Place Order" and that's on a huge 24" monitor, mobile's much worse, scrolling & typing, that does not make a for a simple and less complicated checkout, many will abandon cart, especially on mobile or tablets as this article points out:

    The issue is not to focus on whether it's OPC checkout or not because in reality, the customer does not care, what the customer does care about is maneuvering thru a simple & easy checkout, not one thats long and complicated. The point is both BigCommerce & Shopify have done a lot to improve their checkout experience while Americommerce has not.

    Out of the top 5 reasons for Abandoned carts, Americommerce checkouts have serious problems with 3,4, and 5: (As I mentioned above, we just had a customer contact us because they couldn't calculate the total order cost @ checkout)

    3) While I agree that there are many areas of Americommerce that can use improvement, I also think that they provide an unparalleled value for the functionality that you receive for the money.

    So having such a poor checkout experience should be acceptable because of the value we are getting. That's a lame excuse, you don't see other ecommerce software co. making that excuse. No you see them innovating so they can actually provide their clients with an unparalleled checkout experience. I am not sure what your goal is here, but justifying such a terrible checkout experience by value for money makes no sense when the other companies cost about the same and are providing a better checkout experience. Unlike you, I DO NOT see the value in having a checkout experience that has seen no innovation in the past decade and does everything wrong to encourage Abandoned Carts like Address Verification after clicking "Place Order", are you kidding? Even Smarty Streets was shocked!


    4) Have you guys tried to customize the OPC yourselves or contacted Americommerce to address any of your specific issues? I've been able to call out specific discounts and promos on my sites cart page by using conditional merge codes and custom html. If you agree with me that Texas Beard Co has a much nicer OPC, then you know it is possible to achieve yourself (or through AC or with an outside developer) with some custom html.

    Are you kidding me? Did you read my messages above? I have opened multiple tickets regarding this as well as calls. My ticket was open for YEARS while I waited for a promise of a completely redesigned checkout to resolve the many errors we have brought to Americommerce's attention. Instead after years of waiting and hours of my time following up with them, they not only have completely ignored the issues that I brought to their attention, they closed the ticket and basically told me they could careless about the checkout. Great customer service right?

    As you can see, I was told the Developers & Designers were working everyday, but YEARS later and still no new checkout. Do you see what they did to me here and this goes on and on and on for years! I told Ed straight up, that they threw me under the bus with this!


    5)I also agree with several of the points you have made and functionalities that you would like to see as well as the fact the the OPC (and other areas) could user some more general updating:

    I like's checkout, I think if Americommerce implemented that checkout to all their customers, it would provide a much better experience. Everyone would love this checkout better than what we're stuck with now. The truth is, they need to do something as soon as possible because they have done absolutely nothing to improve the checkout in the past decade all the while ecommerce has taken over retail and grown dramatically.

    After all, my locally owned grocery store has done more to improve their checkout experience in the past decade and their no ecommerce co, but I guess Americommerce thinks the Admin Login page is more important than the Checkout page.


    6) I think this type of discussion is beneficial for the folks at AC to see and will hopefully help drive further developments and enhancements of their platform. I also think it is most beneficial to be very specific in what you are looking for (as opposed to "too long", "too much scrolling") and cite specific examples of websites so that AC and others reading this thread have something that they can refer to.

    Absolutely, although this is the most action I have seen here in a long time as I told Ed not too long ago, the Americommerce community is graveyard where ideas go to die, after all, you don't see them implementing any of these feature requests like they used to in the past, Ed was very active in doing this in the past, but that was oh so long ago. Capital One certainly didn't help, I thought they were going to Squash Americommerce like a bug just like major corporations often do when they acquire a small company, we we're actually reluctantly looking to move to Shopify which I also told Ed until we got the good news that Ed was back in business.



    Instead of actually commenting on the Feature Request, Americommerce just removed part of the title of the feature request, Worst Ecommerce Checkout, so it doesn't look so bad for them. But if you go in and just manipulate anyone's feature request how you please instead of actually implementing features, that's actually not helpful at all to your clients, but rather deceitful that you would manipulate feature requests how you want. Much like how you implement features how you want instead of what your clients requested such as Product In-Stock Notifications only working for products in inventory and not drop shipped which screws most your clients.

    Just to know you guys will manipulate feature requests as you see fit is terrifying! I would ask that my Feature Requests not be manipulated to serve you, because a Feature Requests is supposed to serve your clients. Unless you want to hop on board with all the other tech giants censoring their customers which you just did. Just like the Address Verification I brought up in the original message, you did it how YOU wanted it instead of how your CLIENTS requested it! You should listen to your customers, not ignore them!

  • John Robson


    If your first reaction to my Feature Request is to censor part of what I wrote, then that is not serving your clients, that is self-serving and speaks volumes about your company especially when you do it without even notifying me, that is frightening. This is not China!

    After all, I didn't sit here & waste my time just to be censored, I am providing honest feedback which upon reading, you should have replied too instead of having the audacity to censor my feedback how you please which is very concerning for all Feature Requests listed on this page. Aside from profanity which I did not use, ALL Americommerce users should be able to engage in civil discourse without the fear of being censored.

    This censoring is very concerning, especially with all the other censoring happening in our world. I personally find it highly offensive that you would censor my feedback to your liking without even telling me, all the while still ignoring the actual problem. I guess Americommerce just doesn't care about the First Amendment!

  • Ryan Olson

  • Brian Gluck


    Unfortunately, I disagree with much of what you've said.

    I don't expect Americommerce to customize their checkout process to my particular spec for the minimal monthly fee that I pay them for licensing and support. This is a matter of design which is totally doable to those with the knowledge of how to code or those willing to make the investment to tailor the design of the checkout process to their liking.

    In less time than it took for me to read your last post, I had contacted one of my freelance developers to discuss emulating the Texas Beard Co checkout and was quoted a fraction of the "thousands of dollars" that you are assuming it will cost. That checkout is very similar to the example you cited at and I think it will be a definite improvement to my site.

    I am going to withdraw myself from this conversation at this point as this "feature request" is becoming something other than that.

    I wish you the best of luck in getting this resolved to your satisfaction, whether it be on Americommerce, Shopify,  Bigcommerce or elsewhere.


  • John Robson

    For years, you shunned me over the tickets, promised something that you still have NEVER delivered, and now after failing to deliver on your promise, you tell me to start a feature request, which I did. Now you just censored part of my feature request "just because" without cause.

    What in the world is happening at Americommerce? Geez, I am trying to manage my ecommerce store and now I have to deal with this nonsense just because I shared my honest feedback over a Feature Request!

    I have been a client for nearly a decade and this is how you treat your long time clients? I feel horrible about this whole situation which is why I contacted Ed.

  • Ryan Olson

    Dude. chill out. Your entire post is still there in its entirety. Only the title was changed, which makes perfect sense to me, especially if you want to claim that this is a feature request and not a rant. Are you actually requesting to have the "worst checkout"... I doubt it.

    The key step in having civil discourse is to be civil.

  • John Robson


    I am being civil despite the fact that this has been a terrible experience going on for years! Nothing I have said is uncivil at all.

    A Feedback/Feature Request is someone's personal opinion and preference of what they are requesting, there should no place for censorship beyond profanity at all, no matter how small, because if you censor the small stuff, what else are you censoring? I am sure you must be aware of the damaging censorship taking place in our world and how peoples lives are destroyed over censorship, just look at how much backlash Google is getting for developing a Censored Search Engine for China. Censorship in any way shape or form is a very serious matter that should not be overlooked.

    You see the titles of everyone's Feature Requests, those are their titles, unless Americommerce censored some, but since they censored mine, it's no longer mine, it's theirs. Apparently, you don't see what they did to my title, they changed it from One Page Checkout - WORST Ecommerce Checkout to One Page Checkout as if I am requesting a OPC which already exists so they completely changed my Feature Request title to construe something different than WHAT I REQUESTED.

    I guess you just don't care if companies censor you, but that's your personal opinion which i respect, but I don't agree with. In the USA, we have First Amendment Rights, but apparently Americommerce does not respect those rights much like in other countries that don't have that right and practically everything they see is censored.

  • John Robson

    I believe I chose the correct title, but still I opened this Feature Request, don't I have the right to title it how I want, not how Americommerce wants?


    Up until Americommerce just censored me, this Feature Request is about the Checkout page so not sure why your saying it's becoming something else, but often times when you talk about the "Elephant in the Room", all sorts of things come to the surface and out from under the rug.

    Ryan knows more than anyone how much of a joke the Americommerce OPC is which is why he tossed it in the garbage.

    This Checkout shouldn't even be considered acceptable in 2018, especially with growing segment of mobile ecommerce soaring.

  • Shaun Farol

    John is obviously very passionate. I wouldn't say AmeriCommerce's checkout is the worst, there are obviously worse ones still out there. I could point you to the old Volusion checkout, that they have since fixed, or the oldschool OSCommerce checkout, which is still terrible to this day.

    That being said I am in agreement that enough time has passed without Checkout really being given any major thought, (I have been an AmeriCommerce client since before SparkPay) that it could definitely use a revision pass going into 2019.

    Key goals should be to increase usability, simplify what you can, keep as much content "above the fold" as possible, and reduce abandoned cart rates. The top 3 reasons for Abandoned carts are Shipping Costs, Registration Requirements, Complex / Confusing Checkout Processes. There is little we can do about shipping, we can already allow guest checkout, the latter is definitely something that AmeriCommerce can help us improve.

    Brian asked for some specific examples. I will provide two. One is a default implementation of an AmeriCommerce competitor, and another is how an end-user further optimized the checkout that was offered to them:

    #1) Here is a default BigCommerce demo and look how it is "one page" but loads things dynamically as not to overwhelm the customers and keep everything "above the fold" so little to no scrolling is required:

    #2) Here is a live "showcase" client of BigCommerce that further skinned and customized the default checkout to make things simpler and ease the checkout process. It is essentially the same, but is presented differently:

    I don't expect something beautiful like #2 from AmeriCommerce, I just expect something functional like #1, there is only so much lipstick you can put on a pig after all and if I wanted to custom code everything I would have went Magento. Being a Software as a Service company I expect top quality Software, as well as Service.

    They let the technical debt stack up while they were owned by Capital One, now that they are on their own again they need to get back to code and deliver the top quality software and services their customers expect.

    Checkout is the single most important page in eCommerce, I am honestly surprised it has been neglected for so long. But it doesn't have to stay that way, it is something we can continue to iterate and I would like to see AmeriCommerce pledge some resources toward, in a reasonable time frame, rather than vague allusions about some vague future that may not be until after 2021 and I have actually moved onto Magento, or whatever the latest hotness is in that 2021 future.

  • Brian Gluck

    Hey everyone,

    For whatever it is worth I have gone ahead and updated the layout of my checkout to incorporate what I thought were great ideas from both Texas Beard Co and Miller Lite.

    This was all done by editing the one page checkout html in my theme. I'm pretty psyched about it and glad I checked in on this feature request to get this fastracked as a priority for myself.


  • Brian Gluck

    I also wanted to mention that there is a setting to allow the user to return to the checkout page to address any issue instead of crating a declined order. This was actually news to me, I am not sure when this became an option on the Checkout Settings. Give it a try, I think it is a big improvement over creating the declined order.

    Anyone already using it? Any feedback?

  • Tanner Brodhagen

    Very solid Brian on redesigning the checkout page. I think organizing into the grouped panes and hiding extra fields helps customers to not get overwhelmed or lost. The payment section with hiding PayPal behind Credit Card looks great.

    I'm curious if you have a html template that you would be willing to share with the rest of us looking for a better checkout experience. 

    Thanks, Tanner Brodhagen (Brod Solutions), just started working on AC websites January 2018.

  • Brian Gluck

    Thanks Tanner!

    I don't have any specific template for this layout that I can share since it was specifically coded for me, however I am happy to let AC look under the hood of my checkout page and translate my page into something that they can incorporate into their themes or customize for their customers a la cart.


  • Ryan Olson

    Hey Tanner,

    If you're interested in a customized checkout, hit me up I built the checkout on Brian's site (as well as mine).

  • Brian Gluck

  • Joshua Artman

    The option that Brian mentioned to return customers to checkout on declined order does not appear to be available for everyone, at least it is not an option for us at this point:


  • Jeff Campbell


    This is a new feature that was recently published. You can see more details on that release here:

    For those that would like to stay current with new features, you can follow the Release Notes thread here:

    If you don't see this setting, you can contact our support team and request your site be updated to this most recent version.


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