Turn off widgets without deleting
AnsweredI would like the ability to easily turn widgets off and on. Right now the only option appears to be to delete the widget you don't want to be displayed at that time. I would like to be able to create widgets in advance of when I need them, and then turn them on at a specific time. When the widget no longer needs to be displayed, I'd like to be able to turn it off instead of having to delete it.
There is already the ability to Hide widgets. We do this all the time. You just create the widget in the theme and mark it as "Hide" until you want it viewable by customers. Uncheck "hide" for the duration you want to show the widget, then you re-hide it when you are done. You can then can leave it there until the next time you need it:
This however does not facilitate automatically showing and hiding a widget on a scheduled time, you have to do it manually.
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That being said, I can see the advantage of making it easier to turn widgets on/off and scheduling them, example:
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Good idea Joshua; perhaps you should open this up as a new feature request; I'd vote for it
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Hey Brian,
Added that as a new feature request. Thanks for the suggestion.
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you just got a vote from me on that one
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