AmeriCommerce Admin Dashboard Error Status Update - July 18, 2018
CompletedThere is a known issue with several errors occurring in the admin dashboard such as blank dashboard reports, data exporting, and saving changes to the store.
We have notified our tech teams of the issue and currently investigating. We will continue to update with more information we find out.
***STATUS UPDATE July 18, 2018 - 11:00AM***
Our tech teams have identified the issue and making the proper adjustments. The sites affected will be receiving the fix. But due to the nature of the fix, it will take some time to roll it out to all the sites as it will have to be done in batches rather than all at once.
***STATUS UPDATE July 18, 2018 - 1:18PM***
Our tech teams were able to speed up the process of rolling out the fix for all the affected sites. If your site was affected, please take this time to ensure everything is functioning correctly. If the issue continues to persist, please let our support team know and we will investigate further.
***STATUS UPDATE July 18, 2018 - 3:25PM***
The details of today's event was a configuration issue with third-party software that we identified and worked to resolve as rapidly as possible. Our teams were able to make the proper adjustments and updated the sites to accept the changes. We reviewed the sites that were affected and the functionality of the dashboard has returned to normal.
Thank you,
Americommerce Team
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