Additional Shipping Options For Known Packaging
I would like additional shipping options added. Currently, you can click individually or leave it open for any quantity.
When we know how many items make a box, case, or pallet, I'd like to be able to specify that along with the dimensions of each.
My thought is to have three or four packaging types where we could name them whatever we wanted, like a bag, box, case, or pallet. Then, have a field next to each where we can specify how many of the products represent each bag, box, case, or pallet. Also, have weights and dimensions for each.
So, when someone orders "x" quantity, the system knows that's "X" number of cases and "X" number of boxes for calculating UPS totals.
The current system creates too many incorrect freight estimates. Example: If you don't choose individually, the system assumes the unlimited quantity can fit in one package for shipping. The alternative is worse, as each individual product is run as a separate package. That works sometimes for things like a grill, but not for something like a stapler.
Additional shipping options can be used with a click just like individually, but with the ability to specify the quantities, weight, and dimensions of said package.
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