2023.2 Release Notes
Changelog Update:
New changelog and feature request sections for all Cart software now hosted in Canny! Check it out here: https://cart.canny.io/
New Integrations:
Salesforce - Our native salesforce integration syncs orders, products, customers and custom fields. Available for Enterprise level customers only.
Nuvei - New payments partner with highly competitive credit card processing rates exclusively for Storefront customers. Even further integration with Nuvei coming soon.
Apple Pay - Apple Pay is now available directly from PayPal. Navigate to Settings > Payments > Payment Methods to add Apple Pay and select PayPal as your provider.
RentyMy - We now support customer Single Sign On for brands using RentMy, a product rental service that's recently built their own integration to Storefront.
New Features:
Customer Order Approvals - Customers now have the ability to approve or reject line items in an order and provide a rejection reason resulting in a changed order status. A new theme page for Order Approvals is also now available as a My Account page type.
New Time Based Reward Points - New rule engine actions to add reward points to a customer based on custom fields using calendar dates. This can be used to give monthly reward points for budgets, anniversaries, birthdays and more.
Company Reward Points - You can now allow a "company" customer record to have reward points that its employees can use. Think of this as a shared reward point pool that any employee can pull from. Enable company rewards in Settings > People > General > Other
Net Payment Terms - We now introduce Net Terms to be dictated per customer under Customer Edit > Payments & Taxes.
Customer Credit Limits - We now allow you to assign a credit limit to a customer which will restrict the customer from checking out with any payment method that results in a balance exceeding their limit. Ideal for brands that accept purchase orders as payments.
Time Based QTY Limits - If you want to limit a customer type to only be allowed to order X qty of a product every Y months, you can now set these thresholds in the product editor.
Refund All - Allow all products in a return to be bulk selected making it easier to refund all items at once. Also, we added an order status selector to allow you to dictate the status after a processing a return.
Partial Refunds for Fees - Now you can edit the refund amount for override fields such as Shipping, Handling Fees, Tax and Additional Fees. These fees are now in the refund summary area giving the admin more flexibility per line item on how much of each fee to refund.
Restrict Customer File Uploads - Under Settings > People you can now limit the file size and pixel size of images and files that customers could upload for things like product review photos and documents.
Bulk Customer Password Reset - Now you can navigate to More Actions in the customer list area of the admin and bulk reset passwords and send a dedicated email template to those customers prompting them to create a new one.
Balance Statements - We now allow customers that are assigned to a Company using Company Associations the ability to pay off their company's balance statement.
Integration Updates:
- Afterpay - Updated integration to include more accurate order information displayed to customers in various areas of the theme.
- Shipper HQ - We now send enough data for address validation in Shipper HQ and we've also added additional attributes "must ship freight", "ship separately", HS codes and freight class.
- Avalara Exemption Certificate Management (ECM), formerly CertCapture - Manage the reseller certificates of your wholesale customers with our updated Avalara Integration in Apps & Addons.
- Smarty Streets - We now display a warning to the shopper when validating a line item on the address is unsuccessful.
- Attentive - We now support their recently launched Product Catalog API and introduced syncing historical order history. We also created custom attribute mappings tied to reward points, reward tiers and even customer custom fields.
- USPS - We now support USPS Ground Advantage on rate calculation and Shipping Labels. First Class Package service is now deprecated.
- UPS - We've modified our integration with UPS and UPS Freight to use their REST API replacing legacy methods being sunset by UPS.
- Sharethis - Due to the sunsetting of AddThis social sharing, we've replaced this area in our theme system with Sharethis. If you were a user of AddThis, navigate to your global theme settings to make appropriate changes.
- Custom Payment Methods can now trigger order status - Custom payment methods now have the option to apply a change order status. For example, paying with a purchase order can now automatically change order to "Approved to Ship".
- Impact - We've recently upgraded our Impact integration and fixed various bugs for those using it for affiliate marketing.
Smaller Improvements:
- Reward Points can now be set to expire in monthly intervals vs only days.
- Save For Later buttons are now available on Category page, Search Results page, Manufacturer and Attribute pages.
- Discounts can now exclude child items. If a parent item is not specifically included in a discount, then the discount will no longer show as if the parent product is eligible.
- Notify Me (when product out of stock) modal popup is now editable as a theme page.
- Choosing a category for Product Variant Inventory exports are now supported as scheduled exports
- Product Display Widget has a new setting for when using price with quantity arrows allowing pricing to change based on quantity up/down.
- Upsells and Related Products selectors in the product editor now showcase whether products have already been selected or not.
- Deleting a category now pops up a warning modal describing how many products exist in that category that you are about to delete.
- Colorado Delivery fee now available in API
- Freight Class and HSCode has been added to product import/exports
- Posting an order shipment via API now has the flexibility to change the status on the order
- We've retired sample product data on AmeriCommerce trials. Say goodbye to digital cameras, khakis and birthday cakes. They had a good run.
- Trials now must use a store password to view their front-end when not logged in to their store. Take that spammers!
Bug Fixes:
- Search results showing incomplete results for stores with using multiple root categories
- User deletion in storefront admin now allows the user to still remain a Cart user (not a Storefront one though) if using other Cart software products.
- Some links that were pointing to Live Design in the theme editor weren't working correctly, but that's been fixed.
- Timeouts occurring when filtering by price has been fixed
- Payment links not generating when using Order View instead of Order Edit has been fixed
- Issues with breakout shipping on admin only orders has been fixed
- Uploading images to variants in the admin now route to shared folders so multi-stores can easily access them.
- Order Editor now has improved load times for those with lots of warehouses, customer types or users (sales reps)
- PUT requests via API now allow you to change the shipping method on an order
- Regex validation was introduced for those using it in conjunction with our rule engine
- Breakout shipping bug fixed that caused shipments with the same shipping method selected to not save correctly and combining them.
- Klaviyo and Attentive integrations now check the status of whether or not a customer had previously accepted or denied permissions to subscribe to SMS.
- Refund reason is now properly saved when refunding to the original payment method
- Variant images when using third party image hosting providers weren't always showing correctly when selected on front-end so that's been fixed.
- ##IPADDRESS## now populates the full address for IPv6 addresses.
- Fixed ShipStation's inability to connect to new stores since migrating users to Cart's brand console
- HTML page editors being viewed in full screen mode and then going back to normal was causing issues that we've addressed
- Fixed Discounts that haven't expired yet improperly showing an "Ended" status
- Blog Posts previews now display widgets on that blog post preview properly
- Fixed issue with FedEx LTL passing weight incorrectly
- Fixed some quick edit buttons on dropdown selectors in the product editor not opening overlays when they should have
- Improved speed of Microstore creation via API for heavy Microstore users
- Personalization mark up is now added to the order properly when item is added from the new order admin screen
- API speed when querying long lists has been improved
- Customer's sometimes being able to edit quote links when settings are set to not allow that has been fixed
- Issue preventing multiple Credit Cards on split payments when logged in has been fixed
- Fixed issue when uploading multiple images via drag and drop in product editor not saving properly
Documentation for each feature is in progress and we'll be releasing articles in our new Changelog here: https://cart.canny.io/changelog?labels=storefront
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