Status Update: Sites Down - January 27th, 2021
9:00 AM CST: We are aware of a subset of clients with their sites unavailable after the intended maintenance window. We are working with Rackspace to resolve this as soon as possible. We apologize for the inconvenience.
You can click the “follow” link above this post to be notified when a change or update of the issue has been made. You can also follow our status page if you would like to be informed of any disruptions in the future. We hate service disruptions as much as you do which is why our data center works 24/7/365 to help prevent and fix issues exactly like this. Thank you for your patience while we work through it.
UPDATE 12:20 PM CST: There was a Microsoft security update applied to one of the servers that was causing the problem. We are working on both reverting that and moving sites off of that server. We will provide an update here once the issue has been fully resolved, but sites are already available as they're migrated. Thank you for your patience as we finish moving the remaining sites.
UPDATE: 3:30 PM CST We have completed migrating the last batch of sites. All sites should now be available, and many have been for quite some time. If you are still experiencing an issue, please reply to a ticket if you already have one regarding this, or create one here >
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