Click to Compare (Product Comparison) (105)




  • Official comment
    AmeriCommerce Developer
    Good news! We've added a product comparison feature to our 2015.2 release! Read all about it here:
  • Edward Sturrock
    I'll add some vote love to this too. We've talked about it for a while, its a natural progression that we would like to tack onto our Attribute/Tagging feature. The attributes would be the items to match up and compare.
  • Daniel
    For many stores this ability is essential. Electronics come to mind or any store that sells single category products: Bikes, TVs, Cars, etc... This is a consumer friendly update, which i support! - Please review my project for Americommerce Improvement -
  • Brian Gluck
    we need it.. simple have them render teh ##attributedetails## and some other field merges (price, manufacturer, etc). we have been dying for this....
  • Headphones
    we made our own.. check it out @
  • Curt
    @Headphones: I would love some details on how you went about creating the product comparison...
  • Vcom IMC
    @Curt, It was all custom developed, tying into an extensive database which we use to power most of what happens on all of our AC sites, ranging from product availability, 'notify me when back in stock', compare, the FIRST product review component on AC ,e
  • Lester Mollinedo
    This would be an amazing feature!
  • Matthew Van Camp
    I want this very badly.
  • Liza Florendo
    I would be very happy if this happens.
  • Melanie Schoenbachler
    Please add the Click to Compare feature.
  • Brian Gluck
    We created the click to compare on our network of websites (Including by utilizing our intermediary database which we use to push/pull data into AC to/from various sources. The 'easiest' way I thought of to display the comparisons, was to use the ##attributelist## merge code. Since we paid for soem custom dev to allow ##SETITEMID merge codes, we did some of our AC magic and created what you see here:
  • Brian Gluck
    BTW- several of us on the team have voted for this feature because we thought it to be so essential..... and it is, so we made it ourself (usernames Headphones & Vcom IMC)
  • Permanently deleted user
    We're looking closely at AmeriCommerce to move our storefronts onto and have compare functionality from our existing platform we would really like to keep. It appears that this has been in the hopper for nearly two years, what is the current state of this feature? Brian Gluck, do you have any documentation posted detailing how you were able to get this working on your network of sites?
  • Jason
    Other than specifying 'Ajax' be used, this is similar to the already suggested "Click to Compare (Product Comparison)"
  • Derek Haupin
    Oh missed that, you can delete this if you like :)
  • Victoria Sylvestre
    YES. I agree on both suggestions. This is totally "normal" on many sites to have a comparison engine.......
  • Dennis Rausch
    There is already a request for this with more support from voters.
  • Permanently deleted user
    Is this something people are still looking for? Jackie & I are looking to roll this out if there is enough customer support. Feel free to join our Google+ conversation & AmeriCommerce Power User Community.
  • Derek Haupin
    I posted this in the group, but its good here too: Hello this would be a very good feature to extend the already awesome Americommerce. Please consider some things though: 1) Dont make it totally JS based, it needs some sess_ store based on more than a cookie so uses can keep compare like they do cart 2) Please make it "sticky" so that you can nav the site, across categories, etc to see compares. Many of these systems "kill the compare" when you leave the category 3) Please make it public like sharing wishlists so that call centers can craft compare and send a link, or people can share their compares and ask "what would you pick" in social networks. 4) Please make the label clickable in the product cards and make it auto add to compares. Seems small thing, but its annoying to have to actually check the box instead of hitting the label for it 5) Please allow more than 4 compared items. Almost all platforms limit to 4 items, but its an easy fix to include more with side scrolling or a carousel widget Thank you for considering developing compare system :)
  • Jackie Apshire Jr
    For anyone still interested in adding product comparisons to your AmeriCommerce store take a quick peek. :)
  • Brian Gluck
    We are up and running now with CartSync Compare; an add-on for AmeriCommerce that provides this compare functionality on my site Check it out and see it in action and let us know what you think!

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