Missing image report (30)



  • Jason
    @Ira - have you tried Xenu (PC) or Integrity (Mac) to find sitewide broken links? http://home.snafu.de/tilman/xenulink.html http://peacockmedia.co.uk/integrity/
  • Aric Shelko
    I tried the xenu software, however it does not identify missing images as there is a valid image on the page, being that image is the default product image. It is critical to be able to identify pages where the default image is being used. Please help.
  • Edward Sturrock
    Adding my support to this one too, it can really help you manage products and ensure they are looking as crisp as possible. I would even throw in that we may want to look at the size of the images and make sure they meet some minimum requirements as a secondary option for this report. Small pixelated images are the bane of strong product sales.
  • Jason
    @Ed - Could this reporting functionality be implemented as a tie-on to image sitemap generation? (mentioned here: http://vote.americommerce.com/forums/25843-feature-ideas/suggestions/2469651-sitemaps-self-generation-of-loc-datemod-prio)
  • Steven Howland
    With over 50,000 products in my stores I know there are images missing that I am not aware of so a missing image report would be great. While you are at it I've probably got 1000's of images that are no longer in use so a report on unused images would be great, but hard to do.
  • Maria Zuniga
    This is very important especially in the amount of images I need to post.
  • Aric Shelko
    Any idea when this will be implemented?
  • Steven Howland
    Xenu works backwards from this desired function. It looks for pages and then sees what links are broken, but I need to be able to delete images for products that have long ago been deleted. So the only way to do this is for you to generate a report on images that are not linked to any existing product. This is getting more series as my monthly storage fees are getting very high, and I could bring them down my deleting images, but I need a report to know what to delete.
  • Lori

    A report showing orphaned images and other files/pages would be incredibly helpful. Our sites have been through multiple redesigns and there are leftover files all over the place, but it is very difficult to determine which files are in use on the current sites and which are not.

  • Steven Howland

    I have paid Americommerce to spec out this option. They want $3000 to build this as a custom addition. I am willing to pay half of that if I can get others that have expressed an interest in this feature to come up with the rest. Please email me at showland@pilotwear.com if you would like to be dev share this feature.

  • AmeriCommerce Developer

    To help clarify, there are 2 requests on this thread.  The titled request is a bit different than the specced project, it's basically the inverse.  The titled request here just looks for missing images by checking if they exist for each product.  The specced project, being the opposite, looks at all images already there in your folders.  This tool can be difficult because it has to go scour hundreds of places an image url could pop up in the database and gives a list of the ones that are no longer referenced in your products so you can delete those image files.  Missing product images vs. Orphaned product images.  Hope the clarity helps any that would like to devshare! 


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