On Page SEO Editor, Add Meta Keywords, Description, Title, Custom URL, 301 Redirect (51)



  • Andrew Uhacz
    Almost all other platforms allow you to edit the SEO on specific pages or products, especially the homepage. Americommerce is the best platform I've found so far but other less advanced platforms still offer SEO editing as part of their standard package. I'm confident it's already in the works but if not you better get on it! Please.
  • Shayne Martin
    Andrew, you can already do many of these things through the updated Live Design tool. For example, if you are on a product page, if you click the Action Menu (the AC Heart Icon) and then click Edit Items, you are provided with a few options to edit in-place: Product, Category, Store Text, and Store Settings. The options change depending on what type of page you are on. If you move to a Blog Post page, you are given an option for editing the Blog or Blog Post. When you click on of these options, the editor for that item will slide out from the right. So going back to our example of being on a product page, if you choose the edit Product link, the Product Editor opens for the product whose page you are on thus giving options to edit many of the SEO settings for that product, including meta tags, title tags, custom url, head tags, etc, while still on the front end and with no need to search through the admin.
  • Andrew Uhacz
    I agree but it's not called the SEO Editor. What I'm asking for is another section designated just for SEO. More like an Easy SEO Editor. What you've suggested requires more knowledge than most beginners would have without doing some research. By having an SEO feature with specific elements for title, description, keywords, url redirect, 301 redirect etc. Even a noob should be able to figure this out with ease.
  • Andrew Uhacz
    Yes, Easy SEO...I also recommend Americommerce merges or partners with someone like Moz.com or SEMRush.com and allows you to manage your SEO right from your platform. If not that, then at least maybe a recommended checklist for SEO. I think having an on-page grader like Moz.com could be something added so if your page is not optimized for a specific keyword, the platform will let you know.
  • Jeff
    You should also be able to change store text and not have to login all the way to the backend. Every non content text that is already added to AC software automatically should be editable.
  • Matt
    It would also be cool if there was a page rank checker integration with MOZ or SEMRUSH built into AC.
  • WCCF
    Also, interlinking between pages should be easier. When you create a text or image link and want it to link to an internal page it should allow you to search for that page when the add a link menu. Wordpress and Squarespace do this and it makes writing blog posts and content for product pages very easy. Plus if the link changes it will change automatically.
  • Ryan
    @Jeff The store text editing is in the works right now!
  • Andrew K. Uhacz
    So what's really missing is SEO analyzer. Something that uses a 3rd party like Moz or SemRush and is integrated to offer customers insights into SEO for specific Category and Product pages. WordPress Yoast has an SEO tool that scores posts by giving them a red, yellow and green if they are acceptable. I think it should be A, B, C, D, E and F like Moz.com -- This would just be another feature within the admin. On page SEO editing would also be fun while your in Editor Mode.
  • Paul Ackley
    I love the way the SEO tips in the KB are almost 5 years old - hey guys things change month to moth if not week to week.

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