HOTFIX 2015.1 - Added a $$PAYMENTMETHODWITHAMOUNT$$ merge code to the Order Invoice page



  • Kathy Sechrist

    Is there a way to fix the spacing on this merge code? I'm using it on invoices, and it runs things together without proper spacing - here's an example (customer info replaced with generic info, but spacing is exactly as follows)

    Firstname LastnameVisa: xxxx-9999exp: 7/2021 Payment Amount:

  • peeyush

    $('#rpInvoice_ctl00_ctl00_rpPaymentMethods_ctl00_ctlPaymentMethod_lblPaymentMethod').html($('#rpInvoice_ctl00_ctl00_rpPaymentMethods_ctl00_ctlPaymentMethod_lblPaymentMethod').html().split('<br>').filter(a=>a!='').map(function(res){return  '<div>'+res+'</div>'}).join(''));

    Note: put this jquery code in bottom of your OrderInvoice page. See screenshot


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