HOTFIX 2014.5 - New product merge code ##DROPSHIPPINGMSG##


1 comment

  • Kathy Sechrist

    I just tried out this merge code, and the ##SHIPPINGNOTICE## merge code for order emails.

    It did not work as I'd expected.  I entered "This item is drop shipped" for the drop-ship message.

    The  ##DROPSHIPPINGMSG## appears in the cart and checkout page as if the entire order is drop-shipped, even when only one item is drop shipped.

    The ##SHIPPINGNOTICE## I added to the Order Confirmation email, expecting it would fill it in for drop shipped items and leave it blank for other items. Instead, it put the "This item is drop shipped" on EVERY ITEM in the order.

    Did I miss something? Or were these codes designed to be used in stores that ONLY drop ship?  (I ship most of my items but I am trying to add some new items that will be drop-shipped.)




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