Invoices as PDFs




  • Brian Gluck

    I agree with this one; I have to manually print the invoice to a pdf and email it to them after they request it.

  • Brian Gluck

    This feature request is a year old and has the most amount of votes. Any chance this will be planned?

  • Joshua Artman

    Appears this feature is here:

    2019.1 Release 19 (2019.1.2020+) by Sales Team 

    Versions: 2019.1.2020+

    New Features 🤩

    • PDF's can now be generated and attached to invoice emails


    But I can not find any instructions on how to utilize the new feature.

  • Brian Gluck

    Drop some knowledge on us AC and tell us how to use this please. Thanks!!

  • Tim Carr

    We've been keen on this feature for years. In the end we just pitched in to pay AC to build it. Did anyone else here pitch in as we were told there were other customers also assisting?

    A part of me wonders if they already had this in dev and saw an opportunity to collect some payola from us. Seems the feature has gone through dev and is ready for testing so soon after paying for it that it must have been in dev already.

  • Brian Gluck

    here is my yearly check-in/nudge on this great feature request

  • AmeriCommerce Developer

    We apologize, the PDF feature is coding complete, but not merged into the master code branch just yet.  We will come back and post the specific version and complete this task as soon as it's in the master code branch!  Sorry for the false start!  We wanted to surprise everyone with this feature!

  • Brian Gluck


    I didn't participate in the dev share for this item. I have participated in other dev shares (as well as financed 100% my share of customizations which made their way into the product for everyone else) and do not believe they have been anything other than up-front and honest with you in regards to the expense.

    They often provide a discounted rate to dev items that they feel add significant value to the software and often the dev share contributions also help expedite the development timeline.

    As an AC customer, I certainly thank you for your contribution to make the software better for us all!

  • AmeriCommerce Developer

    Hey Tim,

    I can see how it would seem that way but when we started scoping the project to start on it we actually found a strong library and the feature was easier than expected to build. So we dropped the rather large dev-share on it for the parties involved and instead of trying to find an amount or percentage to reduce the costs we just decided to just build it anyways and roll it out even if it was a little fast.

    As you can tell it's in the release notes, however it's still undergoing some tweaking which should be done soon. It was just weird timing of the release notes and actual merge requests all happening at the same time.

    In any case this one is on us. The parties involved in dev-share were not charged anything and if they were, we let accounting know. Free feature! :)

  • Brian Gluck

  • Tim Carr

    Thanks for the update and information. I'm glad it all worked out.

    We paid in full yesterday so we'll arrange with accounts to have the money redirected to our account as a credit.


    Keep up the good work. Loving the update features lately.

  • Brian Gluck

    Am I safe to assume this same logic will apply to quotes as it will invoices?


  • AmeriCommerce Developer

    Well, that's additional scope and would cost .... kidding!  Yes, it covers quotes as well!  It uses a theme layout file for the invoice that the app also sends to the printer, the fairly basic invoice view.  But since it's a theme file, many things are then possible with it.  You will also be able to flag an email template as needing the invoice attached, so as long as that email template has 'order/quote' context, the attachment will render.  This allows you to decide which information is important for the email template vs. the invoice/quote attachment, giving you the opportunity to pare down on the complexity of the email itself which can be visually appealing.

    Stay tuned, we should be merging it into the main branch soon!

  • AmeriCommerce Developer

    In version 2019.1.2111.3+


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