Zapier is an online automation tool that can connect to your AmeriCommerce store. You can connect two or more apps within Zapier to automate repetitive tasks without coding or relying on developers to build the integration. This article covers the setup on AmeriCommerce, but you can click here if you would like to learn more about Zapier.
Navigate to Tools > Apps & Addons > Zapier. On this page, you must activate the integration (simply change the toggle to "Active") to be able to connect new Zaps to our store.
However, please note, if you disable the integration, any incoming actions from Zapier or outgoing triggers from AmeriCommerce will not function. Any Zaps that you may have created will still exist, and will work again if you re-enable the integration. The system will not allow you to configure any Zaps if the integration is not active within AmeriCommerce.
Connecting Zapier to AmeriCommerce
Go to your Zapier account, add a new Zap and then search for "AmeriCommerce." - Or Click HERE - After selecting AmeriCommerce, you will then be able to choose which trigger you want to respond to.
After creating a Zap and choosing AmeriCommerce as the app, Zapier will prompt you to connect to your store.
Enter the URL of your store in the box and click "Yes, Continue." Zapier will then connect you to your store using oAuth. You will need to log into your store if you are not already logged in.
Note: Your user account will need to have "API" permissions within your AmeriCommerce store.
Zapier will then ask you to grant permission to access your store's data. The permissions requested represent all of the triggers and actions supported by the integration.
The Zapier integration is store specific. If you have MultiStores, you will need to connect them separately to Zapier if you want to respond to triggers from all stores.
The AmeriCommerce Zapier integration supports many different triggers to which you may resond. All triggers are "instant" triggers, meaning they happen in near, real-time from your store.
Trigger Name | Description | Notes |
New Product | Triggers whenever a new product is created on any of your stores. |
Products are not inherently store specific data;
thus if you have multiple stores connected to
Zapier and configure a new product trigger for
each of them, you can expect to see one “new
product” trigger per store. In otherwords “new
product” triggers are global.
Updated Product | Triggers whenever a product is updated on any of your stores. | Similar to new product triggers, "updated product" triggers are global. See note regarding "new product" triggers. |
New Customer | Triggers whenever a customer is created on your store. | |
Updated Customer | Triggers whenever any data on a customer is changed on your store. | |
Customer Email Updated | Triggers whenever a customer has their email address changed on your store. |
This is a more narrowly focused trigger than
“Updated Customer”. Rather than triggering
for any change to a customer, this “customer
email updated” trigger only occurs specifically
when the email address of the customer has
changed. The previous email address is
included in the trigger, so that you can update
the email address in your external systems.
New Order | Triggers whenever a new order is created with any status in your store. |
This trigger will include declined orders, in
progress orders, awaiting payment orders, and
orders where payment has been processed,
depending upon the particular configuration of
your store. No order status is excluded from
this trigger.
New Valid Order | Triggers whenever a new valid order is created in your store. |
Valid orders refer to orders that are not
cancelled or declined. So it represents orders
that have been paid, or are awaiting payment.
Depending on your use case this may be
more valuable than the “new order” trigger due
to the fact that this trigger filters out declined
/cancelled orders.
Order Updated | Triggers whenever any data on an order is changed on our store. | |
Order Status Changed | Triggers whenever the status of an order changes on your store. | This is a more narrowly focused trigger than "Order Updated." The trigger will include both the old and new status, as well as all the relevant order data. |
New Quote | Triggers whenever a new quote is created with any status in your store. |
The AmeriCommerce Zapier integration includes many actions that you may perform on your store to respond to triggers from other systems (or other AmeriCommerce stores).
Action | Description | Notes |
Update Product | Use this action to update data for a product | Most product data is available to be updated with this action, including product fields as well as categories, variants, pricing, attributes, pictures, and custom fields. Item Number is required to look up the correct product. |
Create Product | Use this action to create a new product. | All data that is available for "Update Product" is available to be specified when creating product. Item Number, Item Name, Primary Category and Product Status are required. All other fields are optional. |
Find Product | Use this action to find a product. |
This action must be part of a multi-step Zap. Find a product using Item Number and perform a subsequent action using that data.
Update Customer | Use this action to update a customer on your store. |
Most customer data is available, including
customer fields as well as addresses and custom fields. Email Address is used to find the correct customer. The customer must be available to the store on which the action is performed. |
Create Customer | Use this action to create a customer on your store |
All data that is available for “Update Customer” is available to be specified when creating a customer. Email Address is required. The customer will be assigned to whichever store the action is performed against
Find Customer | Use this action to find a customer on your store. |
This action must be part of a multi-step Zap. Find a customer using email address and perform a subsequent action using that data. The customer must be available for the store against which the action is performed.
Update Inventory | Use this action to update the inventory for a product and/or variant inventory item. |
The system will try to find a product using the data that you provide for Item Number, GTIN, and Item Name. Not all fields are required, you may specify any one of those fields. The system will first attempt to find a matching variant inventory item, and then if none is found, it will try to find a product. The matching item will have the value specified in
the “Quantity” field applied as it’s current quantity on hand. |
Create or Update Order Payment | Use this action to create or update an order payment. |
The system will first try to find a matching order using the same approach as that described for the “Change Order Status” action. If a matching order is found, it will search payments for that order using Order Payment Id, Payment Ref Number, and then Transaction ID to find a match. If none is
found, a new payment will be added to the order. If no matching order is found, it will search payments across all orders to try to find a matching payment using Order Payment Id, Payment Ref Number, and then Transaction ID. If still no match is found it will attempt to find a match based on additional payment fields. In the event that still no match is found, or if more than one potential match is found, it will error because it cannot determine which payment to update. This action is useful if you need to update or add an order payment but don’t have immediate access to all the other information about the order. |
Create or Update Order Shipment | Use this action to create or update an order shipment, and also optionally change the status of the order |
The system will first try to find a matching order using the same approach as that described for the “Change Order Status” action. If a matching order is found, it will search all shipments for that order for a matching shipment using Tracking Numbers,
Shipment name, and then Shipping Method and Date. If no match is found, it will add a new shipment. If no matching order is found, it will search shipments across all orders to try to find a matching shipment. If still no match is found or if more than one potential match is found, it will error because it cannot determine which shipment to update. You may also optionally specify an order status to apply to the matching order, assuming a match is found. This action is useful if you need to update or add an order shipment but don’t have immediate access to all the other information about the order. |
Find Order | Use this action to find an order on your store. |
This action must be part of a multi-step Zap. Find an order using Order Id, Order Number, or Customer Email and Order Date and perform a subsequent action using that data. The order must be available for the store against which the action is performed.
More Information
For maximum portability and utility, Zapier recommends against using system-specific identifiers for actions. This means that instead of using fields such as product ID, order ID, or customer ID, we must provide ways to find data using other unique properties. In the cases of fields that represent properties of customers, orders, or products, this is typically the name of the corresponding element. Take for example Product Status. When setting the status of a product, you do not need to know the internal product status ID from AmeriCommerce; instead you pass the name of the status, such as “In Stock”. AmeriCommerce will attempt to find a product status matching that name, and if it can’t, it will automatically create a product status matching that name. This same approach is done in most such spots; that is, the system will try to find a match by name and will automatically create a record if it cannot find a match. One notable exception is for “store” fields, as we do not automatically/dynamically create store records.
You may run into errors from AmeriCommerce in certain cases when performing actions from Zapier. These may be true errors, or they may represent problems with the data you are sending. For example, if you fail to provide a required field or if you set quantity of an order item to a negative amount, these types of things may trigger Validation Errors from AmeriCommerce. Zapier does not display specific error messages from AmeriCommerce. Because of this, it can be difficult to determine the cause of a failed action. To help with this, AmeriCommerce logs incoming requests from Zapier Actions as well as any relevant error information that the request produced. For example, if AmeriCommerce generated an error due to a missing required field, you would be able to see that error message in our logs. These logs are located on the Zapier app page at /store/admin/Settings/Addons/Zapier.aspx