- Overview
- Step 1: Create New Discount Method
- Step 2: Add Discount Rule
- Step 3: Choose BOGO Rule Type
- Step 4: Finish and Save BOGO Rule
- Step 5: Add Discount Action
- Tips
This article provides step-by-step instructions for creating a buy-one-get-one discount. For a detailed overview of the Discount System, see: Discount Method System Overview.
Step 1: Create New Discount Method
Navigate to Marketing > Discounts, and click New.
On the Edit Discount Method Screen:
- Give the method a name
- Check Method is Active
- Save
Discount Rules will be available at the bottom of the Edit Discount Method screen after the method is saved for the first time.
Step 2: Create Discount Rule
Click New Rule at the bottom of the Edit Discount Method Screen:
Step 3: Choose a BOGO Rule Type
Select an item in cart (bogo) for Rule Type and skip ahead to Step 4 if you just want one single item to be BOGO:
If you need more advanced configurability, see BOGO Rule Types below.
BOGO Rule Types:
- an item in cart (bogo) - Makes BOGO based on item number(s). For example if the item number in the discount is "abc123" the customer will receive buy one get one free if they have two products with "abc123" in their cart.
- product list in cart (bogo) - Makes BOGO based on a product list you create ((Catalog > Power Features > Product Lists). For example, if two products from the product list are in the customer's cart, the customer will receive one for free in a buy one get one free setup.
- category in cart (bogo) - Works the same a product list in cart type, but instead of being based on a product list, it is based on the category you choose. Products in subcategories of the chosen category will not receive the discount.
- category in cart including subcategories (bogo) - works the same as category in cart, but now products in subcategories of the chosen category will receive the discount.
- Manufacturer in cart (bogo) - Works the same as both the product list in cart and category in cart, but is based on a chosen manufacturer.
Step 4: Create BOGO Discount Rule
On the Edit Discount Rule Screen:
- Choose a BOGO Rule Type (See Step 3).
- Set Operator (explained below)
- Set BOGO Buy ___ Get ____ Criteria
- Save
- Equal To: Product's item number must be exactly equal to the item numbers specified in rule.
- Contains: Product's item number must contain item number specified in rule.
- RegEx: Use Regular Expressions to match multiple item numbers
Step 5: Create Discount Action
Back on the Edit Discount Method Screen, Click New Action:
On the Edit Discount Action Screen:
- Check Action is Active
- Set Action to read "Subtract 100 percent from matched items" (Or "subtract 50 percent from matched items" for BOGO half off, etc).
Lastly, be sure to Save the Action, Save the Method, and set both to active when you're ready for the discount to be available. Here's how the discount setup in this article looks on the shopping cart:
Some important tips about using the (bogo) variant of discount rules:
- When using a bogo rule do not use any other (matched item) rules on the method if the bogo rule is in the method, or in the action if the bogo rule is in the action.
- Using other matched item rules in different actions that do not include bogo rules is okay.
- The reason for this is with the way the bogo rule works. For example, if the rule is buy 1 product get 1 product, the “get 1 product” portion will be selected as the matched item, even though both the buy and get amount are technically matched.
- Bogo variant rules are only applicable if the intended discount item is the same as the triggering item within the rule context. For example, if the rule is “category in cart (bogo)”, you will only be able to discount items within the same category as the triggering item.
- If the rule is “manufacturer in cart (bogo)”, you will only be able to discount items that share the same manufacturer as the trigger item.
- If the desired discount item falls outside the context of the trigger item, you will need to set up the discount like in the 2nd and 3rd examples below.
- The only time variants might change bogo behavior are when using an “item in cart (bogo)” rule.
- If you have product (A) with item # “PRODA” that has two variants “red” and “blue” that DO NOT have item # extensions. You can simply use “item in cart (bogo)” with item # equals “PRODA”. This will make it so that both red and blue variants can trigger the discount as well as be discounted.
- However, if for example red has an item # extension “-R”, then the red variant will no longer work with the discount rule. To work around this, you can change the discount rule to “contains” instead of “equals”. That way the discount will match all variants of the base item #.