- What are Rate Adjustments?
- Enabling Rate Adjustments on a Product
- Setting up Free Shipping Using Rate Adjustments
- Setting Rate Adjustments with a Product Import
What are Rate Adjustments?
A rate adjustment is a product shipping setting that gives store owners the ability to specify a product's shipping cost. There are two rate adjustment types: additional and flat rate. Additional adds the dollar amount specified to the auto-calculated rate from a shipping provider or a custom shipping method. Flat rate completely overrides the auto-calculated rate for that product.
Enabling Rate Adjustments on a Product
To enable rate adjustments on a product:
- Navigate to Catalog > Products > Edit Product > Shipping
- Change Rate Adjustment Type from Auto Calculated to Additional or Flat Rate.
- Click Save:
After you save and the page is finished loading, a page with the active shipping methods and services will be displayed:
- Enter desired rate in rate fields
- Select region availability in availability drop down
- Save
Setting up Free Shipping Using Rate Adjustments
A common use case for Rate Adjustments is setting up free shipping for a single product. Doing so is as easy as following the steps above to setup a flat rate of $0 on a product. For a step by step guide on setting that up, checkout the How do I Ship a Product for Free? article.
Setting Rate Adjustments with a Product Import
If you have lots of products that need rate adjustments, the rate adjustment can be applied using a product import. If you're familiar with the product import feature, the steps are pretty simple:
- First, setup one product with the rate adjustment you would like in the admin console, then
- Export the products, including the one you just setup
- Download and edit the exported CSV file using a CSV editor like Microsoft Excel
- Find the product setup in Step 1 and copy the value of its ShippingAdjustments field to the rest of the products that have the same rate adjustment
- Save the CSV (be sure to save in .csv format) and import the file in Tools > Data Import > Product Import
If you are not familiar using the product import feature, checkout the How Do I Import Products (using a spreadsheet) to My Store? article for more information.