- Overview
- Step 1: Create the Discount Method
- Step 2: Create Method Rule(s)
- Step 3: Create the Discount Method Rules
- Method Rules vs Action Rules
Discount methods can have multiple actions. An example use-case would be a "Summer Sale" that gives customers 5% of orders over $20, 10% off on orders over $50, and 15% off on orders over $100 when the coupon code "SUMMER" is entered. This article provides step-by-step instructions for setting up such a discount. For a detailed overview of the discount system, see: Discount Method System Overview.
Step 1: Create the Discount Method
- Navigate to Marketing > Discounts, and click New
- Give the Discount a Name
- Check Active when you're ready for the discount to be available to customers
- Save
Step 2: Create Method Rule(s)
- On the Edit Discount Method screen, click New Rule:
On the Edit Discount Rule Screen:
- Set Rule Type to coupon code
- Set Operator to equal to
- Set target to SUMMER2016 (Or the coupon code you would like to use)
- Click Save
Step 3: Create Actions & Action Rules
On the Edit Discount Method screen:
- Click New Action:
On the Edit Discount Action Screen:
- Check Active
- Check Action is Exclusive
- Change sort to 3
- Configure the action so that it reads: "Subtract 5% from total"
- Click Save
After clicking Save, the Action Rules will be accessible at the bottom of the action. Click New Rule:
On the Edit Discount Rule screen (within the discount action screen):
- Set rule type to total dollars
- Set operator to greater than
- Set target to 20
- Save
- Click the X to go back to the Edit Discount Method Screen. At this point, you should have one action that looks like this screenshot:
Repeat this process to create additional discount actions. For the "Summer Sale" example, we'll need to setup two more actions as follows:
Action #2:
- Action is Active: Check
- Action is Exclusive: Check
- Sort: 2
- Action: Subtract 10% from total"
- Action Rule: Total dollars greater than 50
Action #3
- Action is Active: Check
- Action is Exclusive: Check
- Sort: 1
- Action: Subtract 15% from total"
- Action Rule: Total dollars greater than 100
Once finished, you should see three Actions on the Edit Discount Method Screen:
Common Questions:
Why are the actions set to exclusive? When an action is exclusive, it can not be used with any other action in the method. In this case, marking exclusive ensures that an order over $100 does not receive every action and get 30% off.
Why does the sort order matter? Sort order determines the order the actions are executed. In this case, if a customer orders $105, their order would be eligible for all three actions. Since the actions are marked exclusive, though, only one can execute. Which one will be chosen? The action with the lowest sort. If the actions all have the same sort, the one with the lowest ID will be chosen.
Method Rules vs Action Rules
For information on the difference between method rules and action rule, see this section in Discount System Overview.