If you keep an active inventory on your site, you may want to let customers know when a previously out of stock item becomes available. To do this, you can use the product availability notifications feature.
Note: Theme modification involves any change to the default values in the HTML or CSS of any theme or widget. Support can direct you to the correct page to make changes or to reset the widget, page HTML or CSS to its default value. This will undo any customization that may be in place. Before you create or modify a theme using HTML and CSS it is suggested to have a backup handy. While theme modification is outside what support is allowed to assist with, if you need assistance with making modification to the theme, our implementation department is available to make these modification at an hour rate. If the service is ever needed please let us know and we will get that process started for you. Or check out our new Theme Store to find a theme that suits your needs. |
Before enabling this feature, you must first turn inventory control on. You can use this article to learn how to enable inventory on your site:
Managing Inventory with AmeriCommerce online stores
Once you have inventory enabled, you will need to turn product availability notifications on. To do this, navigate to Settings > Catalog
Now that you are in the ‘General’ tab of the catalog settings, scroll down until you see the Product Status Settings. If you do not already have your default stock statuses set, go ahead and do that now.
Next, scroll down to the section labeled Product Notifications. Click the checkbox labeled Enable Product Availability Notifications to turn notifications on.
The second checkbox is optional; it is labeled Allow Product Availability Notifications Frequency Selection. When this option is enabled, the customer can opt to receive notifications once and then be removed from the notification list, or be notified every time the product becomes available (until they decide to unsubscribe).
Next, set the Default Product Availability Notifications Email Template to Product in Stock Notification and click save in the top, right corner.
Now that the settings are enabled, the merge codes need to be added to the product details page before the notification will display. To add the merge code, navigate to Themes > Edit.
Once in the theme editor, you will need to click on ‘Pages’ to expand the menu down the page.
Once the menu is expanded, scroll down and click on Product Details. Next, click on HTML Editor. You will now need to add the merge codes $$AVAILABILITY$$ and $$NOTIFYME$$ to your product details page.
$$AVAILABILITY$$ -Displays what product status is available for the product
$$NOTIFYME$$ -Displays the ‘Notify Me’ link
In this example, I chose to add them directly under the price.
Here is an example of what it looks like on the storefront once the merge code has been added.