- Overview
- Enabling and configuring Product Reviews
- Managing the design of product reviews by Display and Writing pages
- Adding the Widget to the Product Details page
Product Reviews allow for recorded product ratings and comments. Customers shopping or buying will be able to write reviews as well as see the reviews other customers have entered. This can be a great conversion tool and help increase sales.
Enabling and configuring Product Reviews
Step 1-1 Settings> Catalog> Product Reviews
Reviews Enabled:
Activates product reviews for the given store. Product Reviews will appear for your products once this page is saved if you are not using Custom Page Design for the corresponding page.
Require Login:
Requires login before a customer can create a review.
Require Moderation:
Requires the store owner or admin to review and approve the review before it will be added.
Default Rating Dimension Group:
The Default Rating Dimension for your store that will be assigned to Categories that do not have specific Rating Dimension Groups assigned. If left as Single Rating Dimesion - No Group, the product will be rated by overall features.
New Review Email Notification:
Assigned email template that will be sent when a new review is added.
Review Approved Email Notification:
Assigned email template for approved reviews based on moderation.
Save changes.
Step 1-2: Catalog > Power Features > Product Reviews
You can have more than one rating group that allows customers to rate products based on different criteria.
Click New to create a new group, or select an existing group from the drop-down menu to edit it.
Then specify the rating criteria. The image below is for reference only. Your store can have its own criteria.
You can add new Rating Dimension Groups and Rating Dimensions to assign to a store or certain categories. These act as features of classifications for Rating a product. Whether it be on Style, Quality or Durability, a customer can rate it by specific Rating Dimensions.
- Go to Settings > Catalog > Product Rating Dimensions > New
- Enter a Rating Dimension Group name and Save.
- Enter a Rating Dimension Name and Description, then Click the Save button.
Step 1-3: Catalog > Power Features > Product Reviews
If you have Required Moderation active or you would like to remove some Product Reviews from displaying. This page acts as the moderation listing page. You can filter all of you Product Reviews and decide whether to approve or reject them.
You can search for reviews by:
- Product Id
- Product Name
- Name of the Author who submitted the review
- By a date range
Managing the design of product reviews by Display and Writing pages
To control the design of the Product Reviews browse to Themes > YourTheme [Active]
In the Global Theme Setting: use the options under Product Reviews:
Adding the Widget to the Product Details page
Browse to Themes > ActiveTheme; select Product Details from Pages section of the Accordion menu, then click on Widgets.
Select the Product Review Widget:
This widget is only valid on the Product Details page.
Removing Pros and Cons
You can Remove the Pros and Cons section by removing or commenting out the following merge codes found in the layout when editing the widget.
For the Write Review pop-up, we have a setting to "Show Pros/Cons." This would be found in Themes > Edit Theme > Pages > Product Write Review > Basic Settings
There is also code to display these on the "Product Reviews" page of your theme. You can comment out these sections by adding <!-- and --> around the code you want to "hide." There is a visibility area for Pros and Cons as seen below: