Significantly reduce your storage usage and fees and reduce your bandwidth usage and fees.
Setup Instructions:
There are two sections to setting up and using external images. Steps to do outside of the AmeriCommerce online store platform, and steps to do Inside the AmeriCommerce online stores system.
Outside of AmeriCommerce online stores - 4 Primary steps
- Setup an account with an external photo storage service.
- We suggest using Amazon S3. How-To: Use Amazons S3 for your Product Images
- Determine a naming convention for your images. Consists of 3 parts.
Image Base Name |
This is the base name of image file. Example: test.jpg - test is the base name |
Label Type |
You will want to have 3 different versions of 1 image.
1. The Primary (The main image seen on the Product Details Page. 2. The Thumbnail 3. The Zoomed (or Popup) image. **Optional**
Example Suggestions: 1. Thumbnail = _thumb or _th (Small Image) 2. Primary = _primary or _pr (Medium Image) 3. Zoomed = _zoom or _zm (Large Image)
** The underscore is NOT required, just suggested because it helps make things look cleaner. |
File Type |
This is your standard file type.
Examples: .jpg .jpeg .png .bmp
**The period (or dot) is required. |
Full Examples |
1. testimage_primary.jpg 2. testimage_th.png |
- Determine the three primary sizes you want to use for your images.
- Suggestions:
- Thumbnail = 50x50pixels
- Primary Image = 150x150pixels
- Zoom = None (just make sure it will fit in your Zoom Popup Window with a 10-15pixel buffer on all sides.
Upload your images to your data storage service.
NOTE: You should have 2-3 versions of each product image. Primary and Thumbnail. Then Zoomed / Full Size if required (the 3rd image).
Go To Settings > Catalog > General
Enter the Base Reference URL for 3 image types.
<img src="##IMAGERESIZER[path=##ITEMPHOTOURL[w=75,h=75]##,bw=75,lr=t]##" class="w-100" alt="##ALTTEXT##">