AmeriCommerce online stores have the ability to read in the content from external files and push it into almost any of our pages. Content pages, product pages, descriptions, and nearly anything else can be integrated with content from somewhere else. There are a few ways to do this. You can use a Merge Code, or there are fields you can drop your file into on the Content Page editor and above every WYSIWYG editor in AmeriCommerce online stores .
The key idea here is that you point our page content over to your externally managed pages. Once the pointers are in place you can manage that file using any system on the market, including Dreamweaver, Front Page and more. Pointing your file is explained below.
Including your file in content pages:
Including your file in Product Pages:
There is an External Url box above the HTML editor on the product description editor and almost anywhere one of our Custom Html Editors exist. If you specify a file name here, it will automatically READ in the content of that file and place it in the appropriate location.
Site Merge Method
Additionally you have the option of using a site merge anywhere within AmeriCommerce online stores, even in the HTML editors above. Just place one of the merges you see below anywhere to have your HTML inserted and rendered into that area. The double-pound on both ends is mandatory; it allows these codes to be identified.
or reference the external file relatively
## EXTERNALCONTENT[/page.html]##