- Overview
- Step 1: Get Tracking ID from Google Analytics Account
- Step 2: Enable GUA in AmeriCommerce & Input Tracking ID
- Google Tracking Merge Codes
- Setting details
Google Universal Analytics (GUA)is a free Web analytics service. They provide statistics and basic analytical tools for search engine optimization (SEO) and marketing purposes. The service is available to anyone with a Google account. The following walkthrough will help you sync it to your store and show where it needs to go in the back of the admin panel.
Step 1: Get Tracking ID from Google Analytics Account
The tracking ID for Google Universal Analytics looks like this: UA-71237761-1. You may have already come across yours. If not, Login to your (or sign-up for) a Google Analytics account -- Refer to Google's documentation to obtain your tracking ID. Once obtained, keep it handy and proceed to Step 2.
Step 2: Enable GUA in AmeriCommerce & Input Tracking ID
Login to your AmeriCommerce dashboard, then navigate to Tools > Apps & Addons > Google Universal Analytics. Once there:
- Check Integration Active in the top right of the page.
- Input Tracking ID
- Optionally enable Enhanced eCommerce Tracking or other advanced settings.
- Save
Once enabled, here's an example of the GUA script code on the View Source of the order confirmation page:
Google Specific Tracking Merge Codes
- ##ADDITEM## (legacy)
- ##GOOGLEREMARKETINGPAGETYPE## - Renders ‘home’, ‘searchresults’, ‘category’, ‘product’, ‘cart’, ‘purchase’, or ‘other’ depending on store page type.
- ##GOOGLEREMARKETINGPRODID## - On a product page renders ‘##ITEMID##’, on cart, checkout and orderview renders array of item ids, ex: [‘123’.’456’,’789’]
- ##GOOGLEREMARKETINGITEMNR## - will render item nr(s) instead of the ids
- ##GOOGLEREMARKETINGTOTALVALUE## - On a product page renders ‘##RAWPRICE##’, on cart and checkout it renders the raw subtotal, and on order view renders the raw total.
Setting Details
Enable Enhanced Ecommerce Tracking
This will enable Enhanced Ecommerce tracking code to be rendered on page and populate data into Google Analytics Enhanced Ecommerce Reporting.
In order to take advantage of this reporting you must turn on "Enable Enhanced Ecommerce Reporting" inside of Google Analytics. This setting is found in the Google Analytics Admin section under Ecommerce Settings.
You can optionally enable Product Listing impressions and Product Click tracking as well
Enabling this setting will log impressions of product views on all Product Listing pages as well as Product Display and Carousel widgets.
When enabled, this will send a click event to Google Analytics on product links from Product Listing pages and Product Display/Carousel widgets.
This will essentially hijack normal click behavior in order to send Google Analytics the click event. This means middle clicking will no longer work and also may add a slight delay to page navigation.
In order to use this the layout must be using the standard control merge for the item link.
Manual Links: If using a manually built link, the merge code $$GAPRODUCTONCLICK$$ needs to be added inside the <a> tag.
Customize Brand
By default the brand is populated from Manufacturer name. You can customize this field by using static text or product merge codes, such as ##ITEMNR##, ##PRODUCTCUSTOMFIELD[xxxx]##
Leave this field blank to have it use the default.