- Overview
- Creating a Product Display Widget
- Editing Product Display Widgets
- Renaming Product Display Widgets
- Product Display Widget Basic Settings
- Product Display Widget Advanced Settings
- Auto-Populated Product Display Widgets
- Manually Populated Product Display Widgets
The New Items, Featured Items, Hot Sellers, and Sale Items widgets are all types of Product Display widget. There are many other types as well, and they all function in one of two ways:
- Auto-Populated - New Items, Hot Sellers, and Recently Viewed Items are auto-populated. This means the products displayed by this widget type can not be chosen by users; they are chosen by the system based on different criteria and product meta data. For example, Hot Sellers displays the products with the highest sales rank.
- Manually Populated -- Featured Items, Spotlight Items, and Product List widgets are manually populated. The products displayed in these widgets are chosen by you or other site users.
All product display widgets can be renamed and edited. For example, it is possible top create a product list widget and name it "Hot Sellers". This article explains how to create, edit, and add products to these product display widgets.
Creating the Widget
To create a Product Display Widget:
- Navigate to Themes > Edit Theme:
- Then go to [page] > Widgets, for example Home Page > Widgets
- Click Add Widget:
- On the widget list screen click Add under Product Display
Editing Product Display Widgets
Once a Product Display widget has been added to a theme page, it can be edited by clicking the cursor icon next to the widget:
Widget Settings, HTML, and CSS can be edited here:
Renaming the Name of a Product Display Widget
The name of a product display widget can be changed by adding the desired name to the Header Text field near the bottom of the widget's settings:
Product Display Widget Basic Settings
The basic settings can be found for almost any type of Product display widget.
- Product Display Type - Covered in detail below. The widget display type can be manually or auto-populated.
- # of Products To Display - Controls the maximum number of products to be displayed in this area.
- Products Per Line - Controls the maximum number of products to display on each row.
- Only Products In SubCategories - When showing a list of products on a category page, this setting will ensure that only products from the current category are shown. If this option is not selected, all products of the specified product type will be shown.
- Tie To Product Page Add To Cart - This setting only applies to product display widgets that are on the product details page.
When enabled, it can be used in conjunction with $$ADDTOCARTCHECKBOX$$ merge code for the products and $$ADDITIONALADDTOCARTPRICETEXT$$ and $$ADDTIONALADDTOCARTPRICE$$ for the widget. The $$ADDTOCARTCHECKBOX$$ is used to check additional items to add to cart when the main product page's add to cart button is clicked, and the $$ADDITIONALADDTOCARTPRICE$$ merge code will display the additional price for the selected items.
Product Display Widget Advanced Settings
The Advanced settings can be found on specific types of Product display widgets.
- Current Store Orders Only - Only include current store orders in the Customer Favorites Product Display.
- Minimum Orders - The minimum number of orders an item must be on to be included in the Customer Favorites Product Display type. Default is 2, so a product must be on 2 or more distinct orders to show up in the list.
- Show Variant Inventory Items - When enabled, this widget will show variants where applicable for products.
- Manually Specify Attribute ID List - Check this if you want to manually provide a list of attribute IDs. Otherwise, you have a drop-down to select an individual attribute group.
- Fill To Display Count With Primary Category (if not enough related) - Related Items Product Display Type Only - If current product's related item count is less than the Display Count setting, this option will pull items from the primary category until the widget is full.
- Show Products - Related Items Product Display Type Only - This setting will determine which products to show as an upsell. Here is it possible to show only products which have been configured as an upsell product, only products which have not been configured to be upsell products, or to show either type.
Auto-Populated Product Display Widgets
The following product display widgets are Auto-Populated:
- Also Purchased Items - Displays products frequently purchased with items in customer's cart.
- Hot Sellers - Displays the items with the highest sales rank.
- Related Items from Cart - Displays the related items of the products currently in the customer's cart.
- Sale Items - Displays all the items currently on sale
- Recently Viewed Items - Displays products recently viewed by customer
- Customer Favorites - Displays a list of the customer's most frequently purchased items. If customer is not logged in, the list will be blank.
- Viewed this but bought these - Displays products purchased by customers after looking at different product.
You will not be able choose which items get displayed in these widgets. If you would like to choose which products get displayed in the widget, change the product display type in the widget's settings to one of the manually populated widgets listed in the next section of this article. The name of the widget can be changed by adding the desired name to the header field.
Manually Populated Product-Display Widgets
The following Product Display Widgets are Manually Populated:
- Attribute Product List - Lists products that contain the selected attributes. Items displayed alphabetically or by sort order.
- Category Product List - Lists products from a selected category. Items displayed alphabetically or by sort order.
- Customer Product List - If customer is logged in, displays the product list set in Edit Customer > Marketing. Does not display otherwise.
- Discount Action Product List - Works in conjunction with a discount method. Only works on the shopping cart
- eProducts - Displays items that are marked as eProducts set in Edit Product > eProduct.
- Featured Items - Displays items with Featured checked in Edit Product > General, under Product Flags. Items displayed alphabetically or by sort order.
- Manufacturer Product List - Lists products from a selected manufacturer. Items displayed alphabetically or by sort order.
- Product List - Displays product from selected product list. Items displayed alphabetically or by sort order.
- Product Status Product List - Lists products of a selected product status
- Related Items - Works only on product details page. Displays the product's related items set in Edit Product > Related Items.
- Spotlight Items - Displays items with Spotlight checked in Edit Product > General, under Product Flags. Items displayed alphabetically or by sort order.
- Subscription Items - Displays items that are marked as subscription products set in Edit Product > General.