An update will contain new features, maintenance hot fixes and other needed functionality. You can expect periodic updates as we strive to maintain our ability to release cutting edge features while providing a stable shopping platform. We have gone to great lengths and expense to refine our delivery platform to affect change on production sites quickly. This is done without hurting the integrity of your customers' shopping experience what-so-ever.
Changes to Your Version
You can find the site version by going to yourdomain.com/store/sitemonitor.aspx . Look for the code version on this page. Each versions' changes are listed on the below link and you can see exactly what has changed.
About Site Updates
A site update takes 30 seconds to 2 minutes. During this time a "Site Maintenance" screen appears on your website. After updating, the users that were there before resume their state of shopping. We do this using our patented ProvisionDesk software. This is a centralized account management tool used to maintain customer sites across servers. This allows us to update sites and migrate them between servers quickly. Checkpoints and validations run against your store to ensure it updates smoothly. If an issue does occur, the software automatically restores the site to its previous version. This provides you with maximum stability.
Our Direction
We release small features and usability tweaks throughout the year. Our DevShare program helps drive development where our customers want it to go as well.