This article will instruct you on how to display public store documents for download using the Public Documents Widget. This can be useful if you'd like to display things publicly on your site such as licenses, certifications, etc.
Managing Your Public Documents
Before utilizing the widget, we must first upload some documents. There is a dedicated area in the admin for public documents, so we won't be manually uploading files through the normal File Manager. Navigate to Content -> Public Documents
From here you can manage/upload all of your public documents.
Adding the Widget
To get started, scroll down to the widget area and select "Add Widget."
You will then be brought the widget selection overlay where you will find the "Public Documents" widget. Simply click add to apply the widget to the page.
Widget Settings
Once you click to edit the widget you will find the following settings:
The default layout of the widget will display your documents in a table format. These settings will hide/show different document fields.
Widget Display
Here is what it looks like once it's all wired up:
If you'd like to customize anything about the layout of this widget, simply go to the widget layout and CSS settings